Minister Of Religion Lukman Hakim Saifuddin Affirms ISIS Is Contrary To Pancasila In Today's Memory, August 1, 2014

JAKARTA Memories of today, 10 years ago, August 1, 2014, the Minister of Religion (Menag), Lukman Hakim Saifuddin revealed that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) or Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (NIS) was against Pancasila. The movement only gave rise to radicalism.

Previously, many Indonesian citizens joined the Islamic State group. They come from various regions in the archipelago, from East Java to Lampung. They are participating in fighting for Islamic countries in Iraq and Syria.

The presence of ISIS under the leadership of Abu Bakar al-Baghdadi rocked the world in 2013. The radical group aspires to make Iraq and Syria an Islamic state. However, to achieve that goal they justify violence.

Many countries in the world do not provide their support for ISIS. Surprisingly, many citizens of the world want to join ISIS. This wish allegedly arose because of ISIS propaganda that conveys positive things related to the ideals of the Islamic state.

Anyone who wants to go to Syria will certainly be greeted by ISIS. Their costs will be reimbursed and they will certainly get a high salary. The propaganda was perfected by the lure of heaven from the desire to move to Syria.

As a result, many citizens of the world soon died of work and their country. They then brought their families to Syria. This condition also occurs in Indonesia. Many people with age groups from 20-30 years of age joined ISIS in Syria.

On average, they come from a number of areas such as East Java, Central Java, Bima, Bengkulu and Lampung. They got to Syria with the identity of a student or humanitarian officer. The Indonesian government was also wary of.

Those who go to Syria can potentially return to their hometowns to become extremists and force Indonesia to become an Islamic state. This narrative makes the Indonesian government continue to be vigilant against those who have joined ISIS.

"Yes, the National Police's security intelligence agency has recorded, but I need to coordinate with the National Police intelligence agency whether the data can be shared with the media or become excluded information. We always monitor things that we can prevent when they return to Indonesia, lest there be a negative impact," said Indonesian Police Spokesperson Ronny F. Sompie quoted on the KBR website, July 26, 2014.

Concerns for those who go to Syria and join ISIS have emerged everywhere. The Minister of Religion, Lukman Hakim Saifuddin also spoke up on August 1, 2014. He revealed that ISIS was not a manifestation of a peaceful Islam.

The ISIS movement is considered to have conflicted with the basis of the Pancasila state. They like force a country to become an Islamic state by using violence. He also mentioned that anyone who has vowed and pledged allegiance to ISIS will be able to lose his citizenship.

He also appealed to the security forces to take firm action against those who threaten Indonesia's sovereignty. The group is predicted to pose a serious threat to Indonesia in the future.

"ISIS ideology is against Pancasila. Calling Pancasila a 'thogut (my wife) that must be fought is too much, they want to fight for Islamic countries in Iraq and Syria. Indonesian Muslims do not need to be influenced and follow suit," said Lukman as quoted by, 1 August 2014.