Call Cak Imin Must Be Present If Called PBNU, Former Secretary General Of PKB: Don't Be Durhaka's Child

JAKARTA - Former Secretary General (Secretary General) of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Lukman Edy said that the General Chairperson of PKB Muhaimin Iskandar (Cak Imin) should have been present, such as being asked to visit the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU).

Today, Lukman visited the PBNU office for the summons of a special committee (special committee) who was investigating the issue of disharmony between PBNU and PKB.

Most likely, PBNU will continue to extract information from Cak Imin in order to resolve their problems. Cak Imin, according to him, could not refuse the request because PKB was born from the womb of NU.

"Whether asking for mediation or for example calling PKB, calling the General Chair of PKB, I think PKB as NU's child, if parents call, come. We should not be disobedient children, to parents," said Lukman at the PBNU office, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, July 31.

Apart from Cak Imin, a number of PKB elites and NU figures are also likely to be asked to provide information to PBNU, such as the current Secretary General of PKB, namely Hasanuddin Wahid, Khofifah Indar Parawansa, or the former chairman of the 2008 PKB appointed by Gus Dur, Ali Masykur Musa.

"Maybe the secretary general of PKB, Hasanuddin Wahid invited. Other figures are Mrs. Khofifah, maybe Mr. Ali Masykur Musa, who is the founders, the figures who stand out internally at PKB," said Lukman.

In addition, Lukman Edy also explained one of the triggers for disharmony between PKB and PBNU. Cak Imin, according to him, has removed the authority of the Shura Council which contains NU kiai in making party decisions.

The removal of the Syuro Council's authority occurred when PKB held a congress in Bali in 2019. At that time, Cak Imin returned to his position as chairman of the party for further management.

"In the past, the mandatory of the PKB Congress was the Shura Council. It was the Shura Council that gave approval if it wanted to raise the chairman, the A, B, or C. But since the congress in Bali, most of the Syuro Council's authority has been removed within the AD/ART. So, we don't see the role of the syuro council anymore," explained Lukman.

From this condition, Lukman considered it natural if there was an assumption that Cak Imin was authoritarian in managing the party. Because, according to him, PKB from the womb of NU cannot let go of the role of the scholars.

"We know that PKB is the spirit of the ulama. The structure of the PKB is in the kiai. The history of the formation of the PKB is history formed by PBNU, formed by kiayi. Team Lima consists of kiayi. So, the spirit of the PKB is the kiai," he concluded.