TikTok Presents Creative Space For Content Creators At Creator House

JAKARTA Not long ago, TikTok and PT Pos Indonesia collaborated in launching TikTok x PosAja! Creator House. Facilities for content creators and visitors are in the office building of the post, Kota Tua. TikTok x Posaja! Creator House will be a creative home for the whole community, ranging from content creators, who have just learned to create content, or Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This place was created so that people can be creative freely. Therefore, there are several spots that TikTok presents to encourage the creativity of visitors and produce a variety of positive and beneficial works. Here are two activities that visitors can do on TikTok x PosAja! Creator House. Looking at TikTok's LIVE Content Directly has various important features on its platform, one of which is the LIVE feature for promoting products and services, sharing learning, displaying art capabilities such as musical content, to demonstrating the ability of make-up. At Creator House, TikTok presents Livestream and MSKM Corner so that content creators can broadcast directly in a place that supports, both in terms of lighting and background. All visitors can see how live broadcasts are done. Looking for Content Inspirations There are many content creators with inspiring stories on TikTok, ranging from Sabang to Merauke. The whole inspiring story is TikTok pajang in the Wall of Impact area. The hope is that visitors can gain inspiration in creating content or being moved in making changes. In addition, there is also a jukebox on TikTok Music Corner to find out the latest variety of music. Users can see explanations about the names of musicians and songs they create. If visitors want to know more about their musicians, they can look for them on the TikTok platform.

Basically, Creator House was created as a forum in finding or creating content. TikTok also explains that this place was created to, "encourage the creation of entertaining, inspiring content, and provide added value." TikTok x Posaja! Creator House is open to anyone during Old Town operating hours. With the establishment of this creative space, TikTok is committed to providing entertainment, music, and inspiration experiences that so far can only be seen on mobile phones.