Minister of Trade Lutfi Disappoints Jokowi Regarding the Discourse on Rice Imports, Secretary General of PDIP: We Must Export Rice

JAKARTA - PDIP Party deeply regrets the move of the Minister of Trade, M Lutfi who has the discourse of opening up to import a million rice.

PDIP Party Secretary-General Hasto Kristiyanto reminded Trade Minister Lutfi not to burden President Jokowi. Moreover, some time ago, the president called for hating foreign products.

"Forcing rice imports unilaterally is not only against President Jokowi's food politics but tarnishes the face of the president who has recently campaigned for the love of domestic production movement", said Hasto in his statement, Monday, March 22.

In addition, according to him, Lutfi's policy of importing rice during harvest time is very inappropriate, considering that the national economy is under pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

"The Minister of Trade is only squandering the country's foreign exchange, for one food production that actually the Indonesian people can produce. In the current situation of economic contraction, it is important to save the country's foreign exchange", said Hasto.

Besides, continued Hasto, PDIP Party has also pioneered the movement to plant companion rice crops for a long time. These plants include sago, cassava, tubers, corn, bananas, taro, elephant foot yam, breadfruit, and others.

However, the Minister of Trade seemed lightly opening rice imports, where according to Hasto, this seriously hurts the political base of President Joko Widodo and the PDIP Party.

"The state is so rich in various kinds of food, horticultural wealth, which should make the minister of trade believe that rice imports are not necessary", said Hasto.

Hasto emphasized that PDIP Party continues to encourage food diversification. He also invited all PDIP Party sympathizers and cadres to improve national food security independently of the community.

Hasto hopes that rice consumption can be replaced by other foods by about five percent of each person. In total, it will reduce the national demand for rice by around 1.5 million tons.

"If this happens, then Indonesia has the opportunity to become a rice exporter. This method is much more respectable and will be able to increase the dignity of the state", said Hasto Kristiyanto.