New Order Era Matching Practice: Sad Phenomenon Enters PTN How Instant

JAKARTA - The practice of jockeying has massively occurred in the academic world of the New Ode era (Orba). The opportunity is wide open because of his GROWing enthusiasts. Take for example in the State Higher Education Entrance exam (PTN). New Student Admission System Examination (Sipenmaru), for example.

The test, which was introduced in 1984, is not uncommon for fraud. The test was too difficult. Match practices appear like a savior. In fact, the money earned is quite large. Whoever becomes a jockey will surely harvest money, even if the money is haram.

Selection to enter PTN is often a concern in the New Order era. The interest is increasing every year. This condition made the government try to formulate the right selection formula for prospective new students. Sipenmaru, for example. Sipenmaru's test was only introduced in 1984.

Previously, the general public knew about the Skalu (1976-1979) and Pioneer tests (1979-1983). The Sipenmaru test was also predicted to perfect both the Skalu and Perintis exam formulas. Sipenmaru's test was carried out simultaneously.

Between regions and other regions the same is given. Exams were also carried out on the same day. As a result, they can only take one selection exam to enter state universities diploma program or undergraduate.

The Sipenmaru era actually also accommodated a path without a test. Tracing Interests and Capabilities (PMDK), his name. Those who can enter that path must have a capable ability that is valued and accomplished.

Problems arise. The path without a test is actually difficult to play. Those who are really smart and have just a lot of achievements can enter. Even then, it is limited. The rest of them with mediocre abilities are forced to fight for Sipenmaru's test simultaneously which is considered difficult.

Moreover, when interested in medical majors from well-known campuses. This condition in fact opens new business fields: jockeys. Those who feel they have the ability to be qualified in academics are starting to show off. They are willing to help prospective students become jockeys at agreed costs.

The jockey said that he had always been popular among prospective students who were competing fiercely to enter PTN. At that time there was only a sryptu channel entering PTN that allowed it, namely a national written test.

"It's so difficult to enter PTN, it's not wrong if some prospective students take unrespectful ways, use jockey services. Jockeys are smart students who are willing to be responsible for the selection test to enter PTN. They can sit next to their service users or more extreme, a jockey becomes a stuntman like a stunt double," said I Wayan Artika in the book Menafsir Reality and Discourse (2024).

The Sipenmaru test system is predicted to not provide space for fraudulent participants. The advantages of the system and security of Sipenmaru are proud. However, the loophole for cheating does not mean nothing. Cheating actually arises through the proliferation of jockey practices.

Match practices are most often used as lessons to pass Sipenmaru. Those who are not sure that they will graduate from PTN and have limited knowledge, inevitably use jockey services. Jockeys are considered the right shortcut especially when they want to enter the Faculty of Medicine.

Take, for example, the jockeying practice that occurred in the Sipenmaru exam in Mataram, Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) which was uncovered in 1987. The day before the exam began, Airlangga University (Unair) provided information if a jockey infiltrated as a participant.

The information was traced. Finally, a person named Indra Gunawan was caught who in fact was a student of the final semester of the Faculty of Medicine at Unair. Indra is indeed a smart student.

He was caught as a jockey for seven of his clients who entered the Faculty of Medicine, Mataram University. Indra of course used a fake identity, Widodo Purnomo. The Unair student has arranged himself to be in the same class as a test in 76 SMA Ampenan.

The results were amazing. The seven prospective students have the same answer as 117 numbers out of a total of 125 questions. They get directions with certain codes such as coughs, breathing airs, and swiping shoes.

Joki did not play games. The jockey can receive up to millions of rupiah. Seven people who want to spend thick money are also not just anyone. They are children of rich officials.

Si Jocki also admitted that this was not the first time. He had tried to practice it in 1986 at the University of Jember and succeeded. He was also addicted to the money he got. However, the portrait of the jockey is not only done in one place, but in many places.

Those who become jockeys form small mafias to smooth out their clients' wishes. The illicit profession arises from the many requests and test schemes that have many loopholes to penetrate.

There is the son of the president director of an insurance company in Jakarta, there is also the deputy director of a bank in Mataram. Without waiting to become a doctor, for example everything went smoothly, this year Si Jocki (Indra Gunawan), a young man born in Kediri, East Java, this is certainly a millionaire.

"Indeed, the Sipenmaru committee has tried to overcome this match. Among other things, by shaking the seats of the candidates, so that if there is a thin jockey, it is possible that his seat will be close to his client. The removal, with sogok money, the committee's efforts could be meaningless," said Suprianto Khafid and Saiff Bakham in his article in Tempo magazine entitledJoki-Joki Sipenmaru (1987).