KPK Continues To Search A Number Of Semarang OPD Offices At Pandanaran Building

JATENG - Investigators from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) continued searches at a number of offices of regional apparatus organizations (ODP) within the Semarang City Government located at the Pandanaran Building, Semarang, Central Java, Friday, July 19.

There are a number of OPDs based in the Pandanaran Building, including the Industry Service, Culture and Tourism Offices, the Industry Service, the Fisheries Service, and the Cooperatives and MSMEs Service.

KPK investigators came to the Semarang Pandanaran Building at around 09.30 WIB and immediately entered the Semarang City Industry Office.

A number of OPD heads were then seen entering the Semarang City Disperin Office, such as the Head of Disbudpar Wing Wiyarso and the Acting Head of the Semarang City Micro Business Cinema Bambang Suranggono.

Not only searching, KPK investigators also confirmed to all OPD heads based at the Pandanaran Building, Semarang City.

At around 11.45 WIB, a number of KPK investigators were observed leaving the Semarang City Diskop Office to carry out Friday prayers.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Semarang City Disbudpar Wing Wiyarso who was met after being confirmed by KPK investigators admitted that they were only asked for confirmation about activities at the OPD they led.

"The point is that we are asked to confirm as the head of the service. We only check our respective rooms, all the offices of the heads of offices are checked," he said.

Regarding who was also examined on that occasion, he said that all heads of offices based in the Pandanaran Building were examined.

"Everything in the Pandanaran Building (checked, red) environment," Wing said.

Previously, KPK investigators had conducted searches in a number of agencies in the Semarang City Hall complex, since Wednesday, July 17.

On the first day of the search, KPK investigators targeted the Deputy Mayor and Regional Secretary rooms, as well as the Semarang City Goods/Services Procurement Agency.

On the second day, KPK investigators searched the Social Service and Regional Development Planning Agency, the Communication and Information Office, as well as the Semarang City Housing and Settlement Service (Disperkim).

In addition, KPK investigators had gathered a number of heads of regional apparatus organizations in a room on the eighth floor of the Moch Building. Ichsan, Semarang City Hall.

The KPK stated that the search was related to the handling of three alleged corruption cases within the Semarang City Government.

The three alleged corruption cases include the procurement of goods and services within the Semarang City Government in 2023-2024, the alleged extortion of civil servants for incentives for collecting taxes and levies in the Semarang City area, as well as the alleged receipt of gratuities in 2023-2024.

KPK investigators have also named a number of parties as suspects in the case, but have not provided further information regarding the identities of the parties.

KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika Sugiarto said four people had been prevented from traveling abroad in connection with the investigation of the alleged corruption case.

The four people who are prohibited from traveling abroad, consist of two people from state administrators and the rest are private parties. Then in every activity location, a portable clinic, static clinic and mini ICU clinic are prepared, as health services equipped with medical support equipment for emergency assistance. "Puskesmas around the Kota Nusantara area is also fully alerted when the state event takes place," he said. If guests or invitees present at the state event must receive further treatment, they will be referred to hospitals located in the area of the new Indonesian capital city or hospitals in the Kota Nusantara partner area. A number of hospitals prepared, among others, Regional General Hospital (RSUD) Sepaku and Ratu Aji Putri Hospital, North Penajam Paser Regency, as well as Aji Batara Agung Hospital, Kutai Kartanegara Regency Samboja Regency. Hospitals of the Nusantara City partner area are also involved, including a number of hospitals located in Samarinda City and Balikpapan. OIKN and the Ministry of Health also secure the conditions of the activity location environment, as well as guest stays and state event participants to prevent transmission of diseases in the environment, as well as ensure the provision of nutritious healthy food and drink. A number of specialist doctors, general practitioners, nurses, and other health workers including ambulance drivers are deployed to the location, health services when state events are confirmed to be ready and able to run smoothly, Suwito said.