Regarding Hormones, These 5 Challenges Were Experienced During The Weight Loss Program
YOGYAKARTA In the weight loss program, many experts recommend eating in a small portion, exercising regularly, and getting enough rest. But in reality, it's not as easy as imagined. If you're in those challenging times, did you experience this during the weight loss program?
hunger is the performance of the hormone ghrelin. His job is to ensure that your body has a stable energy supply. This happens when you haven't eaten for some time. Ghrelin sends a hungry signal from the intestine to the brain telling you to start thinking about the next food.
The problem is, ghrelin doesn't just go up when your stomach is empty. It also increases when your weight drops. This is why when the numbers of scales have moved down, but hunger has always been an alarm for eating and or cooking food. That is, it is quite challenging for you to maintain your new weight.
If ghrelin makes you hungry, leptin will signal your feeling of fullness. Leptin is produced in fat cells. The mission is to maintain energy supply. So if you are full, everyone is happy including the smallest part of your body. However, when fat starts to decrease, leptin lurks. So it's hard to know when to stop eating.
Wanting to eat more often is the effect of hormone work in the small intestines, called colesistokine (cholecystokin / CCK). These hormones work to regulate the speed of emptying food from your stomach. When you undergo a weight loss program, by dieting or limiting the portion of eating with time is also regulated, triggering coalesistokine to decrease so that the sooner the stomach feels empty.
Hormones are not just about appetite. Hormones also affect calorie burning. For example leptin, in addition to helping you eat less. Leptin also keeps thyroid and metabolism in prime condition. But when leptin drops after weight loss, metabolism also often slows down. This means you have to eat less just to maintain new weight.
Stress makes us want to eat more. Paradox, diet can also cause stress. This may have unwanted consequences, namely fat accumulating in the stomach.
Several studies have found that the diet during fasting increases cortisol. Cortisol is called a stress hormone that directs fat to the stomach. Launching EatingHealthy, Friday, July 19, high cortisol also damages the muscles that burn calories, thereby adding to the poorness of your metabolic system.
Although hormones make the weight loss program challenging, there are good things to get. When successfully losing weight, estrogen levels decrease so as to protect against breast cancer. Followed also increase testosterone, which helps keep muscle mass, bone density, increases sex drive. Plus, insulin sensitivity increases so that blood sugar is well managed.