How Long To Recover From Klamidia, Sexually Infectious Diseases To Watch Out For

YOGYAKARTA - Klamidia is a sexual disease caused by Chlamydia bacterial infection. This disease can be experienced by both men and women and is infectious. Clamidia sufferers need to undergo treatment to prevent more severe transmission and risk of communityization.

Clamidia disease occurs due to bacterial infection of Chlamydia trachomatics. These bacteria can be transmitted through an intimate organ fluid when a person has sex, either through vagina, anal sex, oral sex, without using condoms.

Clamidia disease can be cured by taking antibiotics. Given that this disease can be contagious and has the potential to cause more severe health problems, the sufferers of klimamidia are advised to immediately take treatment as soon as they know the symptoms of this disease.

Klamidia is a sexually transmitted infection that can easily spread through sexual intercourse without protection. This disease can be transmitted not only through ejaculation, but also pre-ejaculation liquid.

If a person has been infected with this bacteria, the risk of reinfecting will be higher. Klamidia often does not cause symptoms, so an infected person can unconsciously transmit them to their partner.

In addition to sexual activity without protection, clemia can also be transmitted from pregnant women to their babies when giving birth. This disease can cause pneumonia and eye infections in the baby. Therefore, pregnant women who have clemia need to undergo a 3-4-week test after treatment to monitor the progress of their condition.

Clamidia diseases often do not cause symptoms or signs at the beginning of bacterial infection. Symptoms of this disease will generally only be felt about 1-3 weeks after the sufferer is exposed to infection. In addition, the symptoms of climia in men and women can also be a little different.

The following are symptoms of climia disease in men that need to be known to anticipate immediately:

Whiteness that smells emis, yellowishish, thick or dilute texture, and foamy

Symptoms of climia in the anus can cause pain accompanied by the release of fluids or blood from the anus. Meanwhile, symptoms of climia due to sex with people with patients with this disease can be in the form of coughs, fever, and sore throats.

Meanwhile, clamidia infections experienced by pregnant women can have a serious impact on the fetus in their womb. Pregnant women suffering from cliamidia diseases are at risk of causing complications in babies, such as conjunctivitis or pneumodia.

Treatment for people with cliamidia diseases is carried out by taking antibiotics. Types of antibiotic drugs that are usually prescribed to treat klimamidia, namely:

Clamidia disease can recover within 1.2 weeks by taking antibiotics. During the treatment period, patients are not allowed to have sex until the treatment is complete or has been allowed by a doctor. This step is very important to avoid transmission of disease to a partner.

It is recommended to everyone to implement sexual activity safely in order to avoid climia disease and not pass it on to their partners. In order not to experience this disease, avoid changing sex partners and should always use condoms when having sex.

Demikianlah penjelasan mengenai klamamidia sebagai penyakit menular seksual yang perlu diwaspadai oleh pria maupun wanita. Pengobat penyakit ini dilakukan dengan mengonsumsi antibiotic. Sementara berapa lama semum dari klamamidia yang ditinggalkan yakni bisa 1-2 minggu. Baca juga ciri-charita HIV pada wanita.

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