Term Of Office 42 Village Heads In North Lombok Extended To 8 Years

The Regent of North Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) inaugurated the extension of the term of office of 42 village heads (Kades) which was early 6 years to 8 years in accordance with the law on villages.

North Lombok Regent Djohan Sjamsu said, by submitting a decree (SK) to extend the term of office of the village head in accordance with Law Number 3 of 2024 amendments to 2 over Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning villages in, which brings the term of office of the village head to eight years.

"My hope is that the village heads can work seriously in building villages in their respective areas," he said in Mataram, Wednesday, July 17, was confiscated by Antara.

He said the increase in the number of villages with independent status was able to be a motivation for other village heads to continue to accelerate development in their respective regions.

"Hopefully with the development starting with villages, regional development will continue to advance, so that later it can be equivalent to other regencies/cities in NTB," he said.

With the cooperation between village officials and local governments to issue North Lombok from underdeveloped regional titles, stunting rates can be successfully eliminated and poverty rates can be eradicated.

The state has provided funding for villages in Indonesia, to be utilized as well as possible for the benefit and development of the community.

"I believe and believe the village heads have the ability and commitment to manage the APBDes as well as possible in accordance with applicable regulations," he said.

The Regent invited all village heads in North Lombok to be united to catch up with all regencies/cities in NTB Province.

"Hopefully we can achieve what is being offered for regional development in the near future," he said.