5 Physical Tests Of Policewomen Mandatory To Pass Through Women's Cassis, Anything?

YOGYAKARTA The physical test of Polwan is one of the series of selections carried out by the National Police in choosing prospective students (casis) from among women.

The physical test of policewomen or also known as physical amicability tests is part that is required in the recruitment of members of the National Police. The simplicity itself means preparedness related to physical conditions.

This test aims to measure the ability of prospective policewomen in terms of speed, endurance, and physical ability.

Adapted from the National Police's Casis page, in the selection of female police admissions, there were two parts of the physical fitness test that were tested, namelysamaptahan A, and kesamapatan B.

Kesamapatan A adalah tes lari selama 12 menit. Sedangkan kesamapatan B untuk cassis wanita meliputi chinning, sit up, push up, shuttle run, dan ngelana.

The explanation of each type of physical Polwan test above is as follows:

In this test, prospective female students will be given 12 minutes to run around the football field.

The assessment aspect can be seen from the number of rounds or distances that female chassis has successfully taken within 12 minutes. The more number of rounds, the better the value will be.

However, the maximum value obtained by female chassis in the Polri'ssamapaan test is 3095 meters.

The second type of physical Polwan test is a chinning test. This test requires the female chassis to carry out a movement standing in front of a horizontal or horizontal pole with a high ceiling of participants. Then the legs stay on the ground, then pull the body forward and back.

Women's chassis will get maximum value if they succeed in doing 72 times chining.

The next type of physical police test is push up. In women's chassis, this test is carried out based on the knee. At this time, prospective female students must be able to do pus up 50 times.

Suttle run is a test run at full speed. The way to do this tres is to run at full speed around two iron stakes and form a number 8. This test is conducted for 3 rounds.

The sooner the chassis value will also get better. The fastest value that women's chassis can get is 3 times putatan, which is 17.6 seconds.

In the Samaptan test for female chassis, the swimming test is carried out in a 9dada freestyle, frog, and others) with a distance of 25 meters. Each chassis can have a swimming style according to the expertise to cover the nearest distance.

You will get a very good value if you manage to cover a distance of 25 meters within 20 seconds.

That's the information about the policewomen's physical tests. Get news updates of other options only on VOI.ID.