Annoyed That You Can't Get Fish, Anglers Are Desperate To Enter Lake Cisauk

TANGERANG - A teenager named Muhammad Rifai (20) was declared missing and drowned in Galian Apol Lake, Cisauk, Tangerang Regency, Sunday, July 14, evening.

Head of BPBD Ujat Sudrajat said the incident began when the victim was fishing with his colleagues. However, because of the fish that had not been obtained, the victim decided to swim in the lake.

"Then swimming into the lake, until finally drowning," said Ujat in his statement, Monday, July 15.

Residents who knew about the incident immediately reported to the Tangerang Regency BPBD, to search for victims.

"The victim's friend tried to help, but he couldn't help, so he just screamed," he said.

The search for victims, the Tangerang Regency BPBD, was assisted by the joint SAR team. However, until this news was made, the victim had not been found.

The search involved the Jakarta SAR Team, Cisauk Police, Cisauk Koramil, Tangerang Regency BPBD, PMI Tangerang Regency to Cisauk District Apparatus.

"The search is also carried out using Aqua Eye to detect objects under the water surface and then dives will be carried out if possible around the scene. Until this afternoon, the search for victims is still being carried out by the joint SAR team," he said