The Government Plans To Provide Medical Device Assistance To Lampung, Jokowi Asks Local Governments To Prepare The Room

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) asked the local government (Pemda) to step in to prepare a room for medical equipment assistance to be given to regional hospitals. "The most important thing is that all the hospitals that I visited in Lampung Province first prepare the room. The room must be ready and the local government must prepare it," said Jokowi in West Lampung, Friday, July 12, confiscated by Antara. He said, with the availability of rooms to put aid medical devices from the central government to regional hospitals, it could facilitate the implementation of health services through the operation of these medical devices. "For tools such as CT scans, lab paints, our modern x-rays, we will prepare them first. Later the equipment will be sent from the Ministry of Health which will be carried out this year in part, then it will be continued in part next year," he said.

Dia pun menekankan pentingnya penyediaan fasilitas medis canggih seperti CT scan di berbagai rumah sakit daerah."Alat kesehatan ini semua untuk kabupaten dan kota, kalau magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) untuk rumah sakit di provinsi. Dan tadi saya lihat untuk disini baru disiapkan," tambahnya.Diketahui Presiden Jokowi telah melakukan kunjungan ke rumah sakit daerah di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, Lampung Barat dan Tanggamus. Hal tersebut menjadi bagian dari agenda kerja Presiden dalam rangka memastikan peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan di daerah.Di Kabupaten Lampung Barat Presiden Jokowi menyempatkan hadir di RSUD Alimuddin Umar yang merupakan satu-satunya rumah sakit daerah di Kabupaten Lampung Barat.RSUD itu telah melayani banyak pasien peserta BPJS yang persentasenya mencapai 80 persen dari total pasien. Dan rumah sakit itu sangat membutuhkan alat CT scan untuk mempercepat diagnosa penyakit yang lebih komplek.