Becoming The Advisory Board Of The ASEAN Parliament For Palestine Independence, Fadli Zon Prioritizes Diplomacy

JAKARTA - Chairman of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Fadli Zon emphasized his commitment as a global parliamentary representative to garner support with parliamentary lobbying and diplomacy, especially in Southeast Asia (ASEAN) in order to stop the practice of Israeli genocide against Palestinians.

This was conveyed by Fadli who is the Vice President of the World Parliamentary League for Al-Quds and Palestine in a meeting with the Malaysian Parliament led by the Chairperson of the Myanmar Parliamentary Caucus for Palestine, Syed Ibrahi at the Malaysian Parliament Building, Thursday, July 11.

"raising international support for Palestinian independence is not only our moral responsibility as parliament representing the voices of the people, but also a must as a tangible manifestation of fighting for justice and world peace," said Fadli in a written statement, Thursday, July 11.

Fadli also expressed support for the establishment of a Southeast Asian Parliament for Palestinian Independence", which is expected to be a forum for Southeast Asian parliament in optimizing diplomatic efforts through lobbying, campaigning, and dialogue to support Palestinian independence.

Fadli Zon was also asked to be the advisor in the forum representing the world parliamentary organization for Palestine and the Indonesian House of Representatives.

"For this reason, I call for Southeast Asian parliament to unite in supporting Palestine to become a permanent member of the United Nations and gain international recognition as an independent nation," said Fadli.

The BKSAP DPR RI is known to be active in various efforts to fight for Palestinian independence in international and regional forums such as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA), and the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA).

The organization, which is the focal point of implementing the parliamentary diplomacy of the Indonesian House of Representatives, also urged countries that have been behind Israel to stop various double standard practices because they have supported Israel to carry out colonialism in the Palestinian territories that are clearly contrary to the UN Charter.