Accused Of Marijuana Ownership In Ambon Sued 4 Years In Prison

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Ambon District Attorney's Office (Kejari) charged Jeferson William Alfons alias Efer for six years in prison for being involved in a case of alleged possession of narcotics class one type of marijuana.

"Asking the panel of judges who examined and tried this case to declare the defendant guilty of violating Article 111 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning narcotics," said Public Prosecutor Senia Pentury during a trial at the Ambon District Court led by Haris Tewa as chairman of the panel of judges and accompanied by two member judges in Ambon, Maluku, Thursday.

In addition to imprisonment, the prosecutor also demanded that the defendant pay a fine of Rp. 800 million, subsidiary to four months in prison.

What burdens the defendant is being sentenced to prison and fines because his actions do not support the government's program in efforts to eradicate drug trafficking.

Meanwhile, the mitigating thing is that the defendant has never been in troublekum, admits frankly his actions and promises not to repeat, the defendant is still young, so that he can improve his behavior.

The prosecutor explained that the defendant was arrested by members of the Maluku Police's Narcotics Directorate on March 7, 2024 at around 22.30 WIT on Jalan Dr Kayadoe Batutupan, Nusaniwe District, Ambon City.

"The defendant was detained along with evidence in the form of a package of drugs class one type of plant in the form of marijuana which was stored in the pocket of his pants," said the prosecutor.

The arrest of the defendant by members of the police after receiving information about drug trafficking activities in the area.

The panel of judges postponed the trial until next week with the agenda of hearing the defendant's defense through his legal adviser Dino Huliselan from LBH Humanum Maluku.