Fire Kills Family Journalist In Karo Janggal, Press Council: Encourages Joint Investigation Team

The fire at the journalist's house named Rico Perfect Pasaribu (47) in Nambung Surbakti, Kabanjahe District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) killed four family members.

It is suspected that the fire that also killed Tribrata TV journalists was related to gambling and drug trafficking cases that Rico had been covering in the last few days.

Responding to the allegation, the Chairman of the Press Council, Ninik Rahayu, stated that violence against journalists was a violation of the law and was contrary to the contents of Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press.

"The activities of journalists, in this case Tribrata TV journalists, carrying out other jobs that are suspected of violating the law are not justification for the violence they experienced," Ninik said in a written statement, Tuesday, July 2.

In the fire incident on Thursday, June 27, 2024 tonight, the fact-finding team from the North Sumatra Journalists Safety Commission (KKJ) consisting of the Medan Independent Journalists Alliance (AJI), the North Sumatra Television Journalists Association (IJTI), Indonesian Photo Journalists (PFI) Medan, Indonesian Women Journalists Forum (FJPI), the Medan Legal Aid Institute (LBH) has verified and deepened.

From the results of the investigation, it was found that a number of facts about the fire that killed Rico and 3 members of his family occurred after the victim reported gambling on Captain Bom Ginting Street, Padang Mas Village, Kabanjahe District, Karo Regency, North Sumatra, and was strongly suspected of involving TNI personnel.

"The Press Council regrets the fire that claimed lives. There are two different versions of this incident. The KKJ team version states that there is an alleged involvement of TNI personnel and is related to the news of gambling at the house of the TNI personnel," he said.

Meanwhile, another version states, said Ninik, that the fire was caused by gasoline at the victim's house and then ignited the fire. Incidentally, the victim's house did sell retail gasoline.

Therefore, the Press Council asked the National Police Chief together with the North Sumatra Police Chief to form a team of investigations that were fair and implicit in investigating this case. The Press Council will also form a joint investigation team involving journalists and elements of journalists or KKJ.

The Press Council also asked the TNI Commander and the Military Commander to form a team to investigate this case openly and implicitly.

"The Press Council asked Komnas HAM and LPSK to participate in investigative efforts and provide protection that is deemed necessary to the families of the victims," said Ninik.

The Press Council appealed to journalists and the media to work professionally and uphold the Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ) and other related regulations.

The Press Council hopes that this kind of incident will no longer happen and journalists can carry out their journalistic duties well.