CDOB Certification Is Important In The Guarantee Of Drug Quality Circulating In The Community

JAKARTA CDOB Certificates are an important part of the distribution of pharmaceuticals in the community. For this reason, the Directorate of Drug Distribution and Services, Narcotics, Psychotropics, and Precursors of the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) seeks to continue to improve the standard of CDOB certification services.

The pharmaceutical industry has a vital role in people's lives. The distribution of good and equitable pharmaceutical products can support the quality of life of the community by improving a strong health and body.

In order to ensure that the drugs circulating in the community are quality and guaranteed for authenticity, the distribution must be in accordance with CDOB certification.

CDOB stands for Good Drug Distribution. Simply put, this is a way of distributing or distributing drugs and/or medicinal ingredients with certain principles to ensure their quality. In addition to ensuring that the distribution process is smooth and safe, CDOB can also be used as an anticipation tool for drug counterfeiting.

Based on the Regulation of the Head of BPOM RI Number 25 of 2017 concerning Procedures for Certifying Good Drug Distribution Methods, Large Pharmaceutical Traders (PBF) must apply CDOB standards.

The application of the CDOB standard aims to maintain the consistency of the quality of drugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry along its distribution path to consumers in accordance with its purpose of use.

"The CDOB certificate is a valid document provided by BPOM RI to drug distributors/PBF as evidence that PBF has met the CDOB requirements," said Penny K. Lukito in 2023, who was still the Head of BPOM RI at that time.

The Indonesian people need various basic needs that accompany their daily activities. In addition to the needs of clothing, food, and boards that are basic human needs, other needs are also needed, namely pharmaceutical needs.

Pharmacy is urgently needed to maintain public health so that it has a healthy and strong immune system, and is not easily infected with the virus. Medicines, medical devices, and special pharmaceutical needs such as vaccines are some of the pharmaceutical needs that people really need.

However, because Indonesia has a very wide area from Sabang to Merauke and a large population of people, pharmaceutical distribution is important to meet these needs.

To ensure and ensure that the distribution and distribution of drugs and medicinal ingredients is in accordance with the requirements and objectives, BPOM requires PBF to have a CDOB Certificate, as disclosed by the Director of Distribution and Services Supervision of ONPP Mimin Jiw Winanti, S.S., Apt at the CDOB Certification Service Public Consultation Forum which was held in Jakarta, Monday (1/7/2024).

Since requiring PBF to have a CDOB Certificate in 2018, BPOM has issued a total of 4,508 certificates, as quoted by the website.

Over time, and given the importance of CDOB certification in ensuring the quality and quality of drugs and medicinal ingredients circulating in the community, the ONPP Directorate of Distribution and Service Supervision has improved a number of certification process services.

One of them is by cutting the time or timeline in evaluating applications, documents, and CDOB requirements. Previously, the service time in evaluating the CDOB application took a maximum of 79 working days, this year the service only took 49 working days.

"Hopefully, the acceleration from 79 working days to 49 working days can be used by business actors in accelerating business licensing, especially CDOB certificates," said Mimin.

However, Mimin ensured that the acceleration of time in evaluating document applications and CDOB requirements did not reduce the service standards of the ONPP Directorate of Distribution and Services.

Another thing that is in the spotlight in improving CDOB certification services is the availability of signal interpreter services and print media incarabraille which shows BPOM's commitment to providing inclusive services.

Media print aksarabraille memang menjadi salah satu inovasi Direktorat Pengawasan Distribusi dan Pelayanan ONPP untuk peningkatan layanan certifikasi CDOB,Mimin menjelaskan.

The public has the right to access facilities and health support to obtain better quality of life. It also includes access to pharmaceutical preparations such as medicines and medicinal ingredients.

With the CDOB certification, the public has the certainty that the medicine they get is a quality and guaranteed pharmaceutical preparation.

In addition, CDOB certification can also increase the competitiveness of business actors, pharmaceutical industry confidence (principal), regulatory trust, trust from Pharmacy Service Facilities (Apotek, Hospitals, and Clinics, as well as the success of the National Health Insurance (JKN) program in the context of protecting the community. This means that CDOB certification is not only beneficial for the community but also for business actors.

Thus, PBF can guarantee that the drugs consumed by the community remain safe, useful, and quality as when drugs are produced by the pharmaceutical industry in accordance with Good Drug Production Methods, Penny K. Lukito explained.