President Biden's 'Research', Foreign Minister Blinken: His Policy Restores And Increases World Trust In The US

JAKARYA - US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday 'defenseed' strong criticism of the performance of Democratic Joe Biden's presidential candidate and incumbent last week, said Biden's policy over the past 3.5 years had increased confidence in America's leadership in the world.

This was conveyed by Foreign Minister Blinken at the Brookings Institute about what "friends and opponents" around the world should know about US leadership under President Biden.

Foreign Minister Blinken said people around the world have seen what Joe Biden has done since taking office, not just one night and they value his policies.

"They have seen a president who has re-invested America, re-invested America in the world, re-invested in this alliance, in this partnership in the way they seek and want," Foreign Minister Blinken said.

This is the first time since the Thursday week debate, Blinken, high-ranking diplomat of Uncle Sam's country and Biden's longtime aide, have been asked about the debate. He emphasized Biden's performance while in office.

"If you look at surveys around the world, you see it repeatedly, that trust in American leadership has increased dramatically over the past 3.5 years," he said.

"It doesn't just happen. It is the result of the policies we pursue, it is the result of our involvement. And they see President Biden has led in all those different fields, and in a way that brings people together and focuses on the same challenges we face and which are common in many other countries," explained Foreign Minister Blinken.

Many Americans expressed disappointment with the two candidates after a 90-minute debate last Thursday on CNN. Biden, an 81-year-old Democratic incumbent, his voice hoarse due to the flu, stuttering to answer several questions and remain silent on other questions.

Meanwhile, Trump, 78 from Republicans, repeated a series of outrageous statements that have been proven wrong many times, including claims that he actually won the 2020 election, but President Biden did not deny it.

President Biden's supporters hope the debate will allay concerns he's too old for his next term of office. However, on the contrary, it has raised concerns. Several Democrat politicians have called for Biden out of competition.

Separately, Biden's performance during the debate drew scrutiny in the global media. French newspaper Le Monde compared Biden to the shipwreck. The UK's left-leaning Daily Mirror called its performance a "error-packed nightmare". The Sydney Morning Herald said "Trump beat Biden. Democrats can't win with Joe."