Barelang Police Thwarts Circulation Of 35.5 Kilograms Of Crystal Methamphetamine From Malaysia

Batam City Resort (Polresta), Rempang and Galang (Barelang), Riau Islands thwarted 35.5 kg of methamphetamine from Malaysia to be circulated in the West Jakarta area.

Kapolresta Barelang Kombes Nugroho Tri Nuryanto said that in this case his party managed to secure three suspects with the initials EH, NA and AS.

"Today, there are 35.502.56 grams of crystal methamphetamine, of which 4 grams are set aside to prove the case at the Batam District Court. Then set aside for laboratory testing as much as 267.44 grams," said Kombes Nugroho as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 2.

He mentioned that EH and NA are a married couple, where EH acts as a crystal methamphetamine courier from Malaysia by sea, which will then be brought to West Jakarta by sea also in accordance with the customer's direction, which is currently a DPO status.

Meanwhile, NA received the money given by the customer for departure to West Jakarta.

"Then the US, played a role in picking up the methamphetamine from the suspect EH, storing the methamphetamine and re-circulating it in West Jakarta in accordance with the order," said Kombes Pol Nugroho.

The location of the arrests that was successfully carried out by the Narcotics Investigation Unit (Satres Narkoba) of the Barelang Police, namely under the Nongsa Point Marina Bridge, Batam City, and in the Daan Mogot Highway Area, West Jakarta.

"During the arrest in Nongsa, Monday (17/6) at around 00.10 WIB. Then in West Jakarta, Thursday (20/6) around 19.30 WIB," he said.

As for other evidence, some cash, two- and four-wheeled vehicles, gadgets and bags were used to carry methamphetamine.

The suspect was charged with Article 114 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 112 Paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 132 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 35 Year 2009 concerning Narcotics.

The perpetrator is threatened with the death penalty or life imprisonment or a minimum imprisonment of 5 years and a maximum of 20 years.

From this operation, the police managed to save 357,740 generations of the nation from drug abuse.

"If it is assumed that 1 gram is consumed by 10 people, it can save 357,740 human lives," said Kombes Pol Nugroho.