Health Warning Of The Danger Of Painting Begins To Apply In Today's Memory, June 24, 2014

JAKARTA Memories of today, 10 years ago, June 24, 2014, the regulation lists a picture of health warning on official cigarette packs in effect. The selection of the commemoration is considered more effective than just a text warning in suppressing the number of smokers in Indonesia.

The Ministry of Health revealed that this regulation must be obeyed by every cigarette manufacturer in Indonesia. Previously, the warning of the dangers of smoking through text was considered not to have much effect. Even the growth of novice smokers has increased.

Indonesia has long implemented health warnings via text. The narration of smoking can cause cancer, heart attacks, impotence, pregnancy disorders, and fetuses to appear everywhere.

The Indonesian government also added the final words:'smoking kills'. The messages that are present in cigarette packs are understood to be true by smokers. The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) in 2012 also said that adults in Indonesia understand smoking can cause serious illness.

The case of awareness in fact did not continue with the desire to quit smoking. Warnings in the form of text are considered a passing wind and do not stop smokers. The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) likes to have new problems.

This condition is exacerbated by the increasing number of newcomer smokers, especially among teenagers. The Ministry of Health also saw that growth arose due to the intense promotion of cigarettes in various media. Cigarette advertisements are scattered everywhere.

Sometimes it's on television. Sometimes also in print media. Every day cigarette advertisements appear, the potential for advertisements affects novice smokers is getting bigger. The advertisements are considered installation' for those who do not really understand the dangers of smoking.

Image smoking can form the charisma of a male man and so on so easily absorbed. This condition is considered by many researchers as a form of lack of education in digesting the message contained in the dangers of smoking.

"It can be seen that smokers are people who are not highly educated and not rich. Through media and publications, people who are not educated will easily fall asleep in smoking. That's why the media play a very important role in educating the nation's children," Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Restructuring of the Ministry of Health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama as quoted on the website of Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta, February 4, 2014.

The difficulty of banning smokers with warning words in cigarette packages is over. The Ministry of Health tries to use a new strategy. They also implemented a picture of health warning related to the impact of the illness caused by cigarettes.

Cigarette manufacturers were also asked to get ready to switch from text health warning to image. After that, the regulation officially started on June 24, 2014. The Ministry of Health wants smokers or prospective smokers to get clear and honest information regarding the dangers of smoking through visuals.

Pictures of health messages are predicted to bring significant results in curbing the growth rate of new smokers. The general spirit so that you can get a direct picture of the victims of cigarettes how the narrative that is often echoed by the Ministry of Health:'smoking kill you'.

Starting Tuesday, June 24, 2014, all tobacco or cigarette products circulating in Indonesia must include a picture warning on their packaging. We agree, there is no extension whatsoever. Actually they can count the past three months for this printing.

"Regarding the prevention of novice smokers, this is the reason behind the visual warning that needs to be displayed. All because for several years we used warnings in the form of words, it didn't work," said Health Minister Nafsiah Mboi as quoted on the page, June 24, 2014.