Tangerang Police Will Act On Bus Driver With Klakson Telolet

TANGERANG - Tangerang Police will impose strict sanctions on bus drivers or drivers who use rhythmic horns, or the so-called "telelets".

Tangerang Police Traffic Unit Head AKP Riska Tri Arditia said he would revoke the "telelet" horn system that was not up to standard. In addition, his party will also provide a ticket letter to the driver who is still using the claim.

"We will remove the equipment at that time," Arditia told reporters, Friday, June 21.

Arditia detailed that the imposition of sanctions on the driver of the telolet cluster user was to prevent traffic accidents.

In order for drivers to comply with the rules prohibiting the use of telolet clusters, said Arditia, his party will coordinate with a number of bus companies.

"To the autobus (PO) company that is in the jurisdiction of the Tangerang Police, not to put the horn "telelet"," he said.