Honorary Teacher Supporter In Barito Kuala Arrested, Motive Related To Romance Investigated

A joint team from the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Mekarsari Police and the Jatanras Unit of the Barito Kuala Police (Batola), South Kalimantan arrested a perpetrator with the initials RS (26) who stabbed a woman who works as an honorary teacher.

The perpetrator, who is a resident of Tinggiran Baru Village, Mekarsari District, Barito Kuala Regency, was arrested by a joint team not long after carrying out acts of persecution against the honorary teacher.

"The perpetrator and the victim are dating, but so far they are still in the investigation stage of the motive for this case until there was persecution," said Head of Public Relations of the Batola Police, Iptu Marum, as reported by ANTARA, Friday, June 21.

The stabbing incident of the victim with the initials EM (27) an honorary teacher, a resident of Jelapat Village, Tamban District, Batola Regency, occurred on Thursday morning, at around 08.30 WITA.

At first the incident, the victim then went to work and then was in the middle of the road, to be precise at Handil Anang RT03, Tinggiran Baru Village, Mekarsari District, met the victim's girlfriend, the perpetrator of the hospital.

Then, the hospital immediately grabbed the victim using a motorbike to be able to pull over or to the side of the road. The victim immediately stopped and turned off his motorbike.

Not long after, there was a verbal altercation, then the perpetrator took a sharp knife type knife measuring approximately 20 cm long on the right side of the waist.

The hospital without thinking, Panzang immediately stabbed the victim's right abdomen. Residents who saw the victim being injured immediately evacuated to the Jelapat I Health Center.

"The stabbing perpetrator who is also the victim's girlfriend at that time was immediately secured by residents at the scene and handed over by the local police," said the Head of Public Relations.

Currently, the perpetrator is undergoing examination for further legal proceedings on reports from the victim's family.

"For the temporary investigation, the hospital has been named a suspect and charged with Article 351 of the Criminal Code concerning the Crime of Persecution.