Looking For Traces Of The Perpetrators Of Embezzlement Of A Car Belonging To A Rental Boss Who Died In Sukolilo Pati

The East Jakarta Metro Police asked for support from the public and the media so that they could immediately uncover a case of embezzlement of a rental car carried out by the reported person with the initials RP with the victim BH alias B in the Bassura Apartment area, Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

"We need the participation of residents in order to find the car tenant. We hope for prayers from all residents and the media to find the whereabouts of the RP. We have maximally used IT and related agencies," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly when confirmed, Thursday, June 20.

The reason is that until now, the police have not been able to find the whereabouts of the reported initials RP because the address on the reported ID card turned out to be fictitious or fake.

"The TKP agreement to rent a rental car between the complainant and the reported party occurred in Bassura's apartment," he said.

In addition, the police also encountered problems in tracking through the reported identity card, which turned out to be nil.

"The reported initials RP are strongly suspected of being a fake name because it uses a fake identity. This was discovered after we used concrete steps. We experienced a bit of problems, but we tried to find out who the real tenant was. Hopefully we can find the reported person," he said.

After an in-depth investigation of a number of witnesses at the Ranmor Satreskrim Unit of the East Jakarta Metro Police, it turned out that the car belonging to the victim of the white Honda Mobilio type was also the result of over-credit received by victim BH alias B.

"This vehicle is an over-credit vehicle, from leasing to the victim of the complainant (victim). Currently, four witnesses have been taken by the BAP statement, namely the reporter B, the reporting employee with the initials HS, the last holder with the initials AG (suspect in Pati) and the leasing party to find out the validity of this vehicle," he said.

Although they have not yet obtained their real identity, the reported case of embezzlement of rental cars, the East Jakarta Metro Police continues to coordinate with the Pati Police.

"Now it is still in the investigation stage between Polres. The evidence has been secured at the East Jakarta Police along with letters," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the East Jakarta Metro Police secured evidence of a white Honda Mobilio car belonging to victim BH alias B who died as a result of being beaten by a mob in Sumbersoko Village, Sukolilo District, Pati Regency, Central Java.

"(Evidence) Already at the East Jakarta Police. We have secured the embezzled car, the car has changed its identity, from the number plate," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Nicolas Ary Lilipaly to reporters, Wednesday, June 19.

From VOI's observation at the East Jakarta Metro Police Headquarters, the white Mobilio Honda-branded car still looks smooth on the interior of the car and outside. According to Kombes Nicolas, the Mobilio car was confiscated from the hands of a perpetrator with the initials AG in Pati, Central Java.