Because Of Peluang Kecil Sembarangan, The Man At Pondok Aren Was Beaten By A Number Of Youths

TANGERANG - A young man named Rino (32) became a victim of a beating by a group of youths on Jalan KH Wahid Hasyim, East Mangu Jurang, Pondok Aren, South Tangerang, Wednesday, June 19. The victim was beaten for defecating carelessly, which provoked the emotions of a group of youths in the area.

Rino explained that the incident began when he was gathered with his friends at a shop near the crime scene (TKP). Not long after, the victim who felt unable to hold back decided to urinate not far from his friends. The perpetrator also reprimanded the victim with harsh words.

"So his position was far from home, because he didn't accept it, he cursed me. I've tried to apologize, but he didn't respond to apologize to me," said Rino when met at the location, Wednesday, June 19.

Not long after, the perpetrators arrived and ganged up on Rino until he was battered. Some even attacked him with a glass glass until finally the victim's face was torn.

Initially there were 4 people, but over time there were a lot of people who didn't know how many. Some threw glasses in the face. This is the wound on the cheek. Then until the hands also had to be lined up on 8 sheets. If the cheeks were 5 sheets," he said.

The victim was rushed to the hospital by local residents for medical treatment. After that the victim made a report at the Pondok Aren Police.

"It's been a report, let it be followed up," he said.