Malaysia's Claims Against Indonesian Culture In Today's Memory, 19 June 2012

JAKARTA Memories of today, 12 years ago, June 19, 2012, the Indonesian government is increasingly angry with Malaysia, which often claims Indonesian culture as their culture. Malaysia has claimed Indonesian culture seven times since 2007-2012.

Previously, Malaysia seemed to have no national identity. The neighboring country claims a lot of culture that incidentally belongs to Indonesia. They had claimed Reog Ponorogo. They also claimed the Pendet Dance. This problem actually made the Indonesian people unite to reject Malaysia's claims.

The wealth of the archipelago's earth culture has a lot of admiration. These cultures sometimes become Indonesia's mainstay tourist attractions. In fact, one region to another has a culture with different patterns. Alias represents diversity as a characteristic of nationality.

The many cultures that are the product of Indonesian human thoughts are indeed captivating. Sometimes existing cultures create the sparks of other countries such as Malaysia. Instead of just admiration, Malaysia actually claims many Indonesian culture as its cultural heritage.

Malaysia's claim began when they claimed the art of Reog Ponorogo in 2007. The claim did not stop with Malaysia making an act again claiming the song from the Rasa Sayange area, batik, Pendet Dance in 2009.

Claims continue by recognizing the art of angklung musical instruments as their culture. Later Malaysia tried to claim the Tor-Tor and Gordan Dances while. This condition caused a stir. All Indonesians also criticized Malaysia's steps.

Even though Malaysia itself is confident in calling culture the result of the creation of Malayu clumps. Malaysia is considered to be looking for an identity so that its country has an attraction for world tourism. This condition makes the homework of the Indonesian government even more.

The owner of power has a responsibility to preserve and maintain. Otherwise, these cultures will be more identically known as Malaysian property, than Indonesia.

"Malaysia now doesn't see its future. It was revealed according to the narrative of a number of students from Malaysia who are now the same, have never heard of the folklore of their country as a history. On the other hand, Malasyia's culture has risen the entire Indonesian nation and become united."

"So far, the government's seriousness in conducting inventory, guarding, and preserving culture is still low, so the behavior of the neighboring country is believed to have been able to raise the spirit of this nation. Why did that happen, more because they considered Indonesia as a Malay family with Malaysia," explained historian Gusti Asnan as quoted by the ANTARA website, December 5, 2009.

This cultural claim has recently angered the Indonesian government. Neighboring countries close to Indonesia with a population of around 25 million people consisting of ethnic Chinese, Malay and Indian citizens began to be at an disturbing level.

Deputy Minister of Education and Culture, Windu Nuryanti spoke on June 19, 2012. Windu said that during 2007-2012 Malaysia claimed Indonesian culture as the country's cultural heritage seven times.

"Seeing the history of claims that it is quite long, in my notes it has been seven times. They stated that they did not claim the Tor-tor Dance but only noted, we ask in writing what they mean to record it in the category," Windu said as quoted by ANTARA, June 19, 2012.