Kia EV4 Arrested Camera Is Being Tested, Prepares To Launch In 2025

JAKARTA - Kia is one of the many automotive brands committed to electrification and has been proven by launching various models, including EV6, EV9, Niro EV, and most recently EV3. However, this manufacturer from South Korea wants to increase the zero emission model.

One of the models to launch is EV4. This sedan-style car was launched at the end of 2023 along with the inaugural launches of EV3 and EV5. In fact, the model was caught on camera being tested ahead of its debut.

Reportedly The Korean Car Blog, Tuesday, June 18, EV4 caught on camera on the street wrapped in a cover sticker. Although still a prototype, the overall design is very clearly visible.

At first glance, this car looks tall with the back slightly lower than the first launch. Meanwhile, the front was seen taking inspiration from his brother, EV6.

Just like other Kia EV designs, EV4 designs are inspired by the Power of Progress' philosophy carried by the brand. A number of aspects such as striking sleek low noses, elongated and dynamic long-tailed silhouettes, as well as technical roof spoilers, are all reminiscent of sports cars.

The brand from the country of ginseng has also confirmed that the EV4 model is one of the electric vehicles that will be sold globally for US$35.000 to US$50,000 (Rp574.2 million to Rp820.3 million).

Although the specifications have not been disclosed to the public, it is estimated that Kia EV4 will be built on the E-GMP platform with front wheels driving. The manufacturer will use a lithium-iron phosphate (LFP) battery and a 400V voltage system the same as in EV5. It is hoped that the interior will maximize the advantages of special electric vehicles, with flater floors and minimalist designs.

Earlier this year, Vice President Kia Woo-Jeong Joo, announced that the EV4 launch delay until early 2025. He explained that electric vehicles could have a significant impact on Kia's sales and profits, and the company was very flexible in this segment.