Malaysia Airlines MH370 Has Disappeared 100 Days In Today's Memory, 16 June 2014

JAKARTA Memori hari ini, 10 tahun yang lalu, 16 Juni 2014, Kehilangan pesawat dari maskapai Malaysian Airlines MH370 sudah 100 hari. Pemerintah Malaysia pun meminta maaf dan berjanji tak berhenti mencari pesawat berjenis 777-200ER.

Previously, the MH370 plane on the Kuala Lumpur-Beijing route was declared contactless and lost. This condition makes the whole world sad and confused. The location of the plane's fall is not predictable. Search efforts were made. In fact, other countries helped.

Aviation activity at Kuala Lumpur International Airport went smoothly on March 8, 2014. Many of the aircraft can fly on schedule. The plane with flight number MH370, for example.

The plane on the Kuala Lumpur-Beijing route managed to take off at 06:30 p.m. local time. MH370 also carried 239 people. 227 passengers and 12 crew members and are scheduled to arrive at Beijing by 06:30 p.m. The problem arose. The MH370 plane lost contact and disappeared at 02:40 p.m.

The last contact was made over the South China Sea area between the eastern coast of the Malaysian Peninsula to the southern tip of Vietnam. The news of the loss made the whole world sad and confused. The families of passengers, let alone.

Speculation also developed. Some say the plane was hijacked. There are also those who think the plane crashed and was damaged. However, signs of a fall that did not exist further obscured the existing assumption. The Malaysian government immediately mobilized an operation to find the plane.

They want to be the first party to know the status of their country's flagship airline aircraft. However, Malaysia could not move alone. Malaysia then together with other countries, Australia and China formed an institution to find MH370 aircraft, the Joint Agency Coordination Center (JACC). The search had brought hope.

The plane carrying 239 passengers to Beijing was then detected turning to the Malacca Strait then turning again towards the southern part of the Indonesian Ocean. Perhaps, this plane was hijacked. But the possibility of recent damage is getting stronger. The real incident will only be revealed after the black box is found, which could take months.

The plane is actually also equipped with aircraft communications addressing and reporting system (ACARS). Even if this device is damaged or intentionally turned off by the pilot, Boeing has made a backup tracking system. The problem is that Malaysia Airlines deliberately does not want to update its communication system even though the cost is only around Rp. 114 thousand per flight," wrote Tempo newspaper report entitled Trage on the MH370 (2014) aircraft.

The search for Malaysian Airlines MH370 aircraft. (Wikimedia Commons)

The search that was carried out began to bear fruit. Moreover, on the 100th day the MH370 plane disappeared on June 16, 2014. The public's attention and the victim's family began to doubt the capacity of the missing MH370 Aircraft search team.

However, Malaysia's Transport Minister, Hishammuddin Hussein apologized to all parties for not being able to find MH370. Hishammuddin promised that his country would not stop searching until MH370 was found.

Recently, the fate of the MH370 aircraft continues to float. The search was carried out for three years and the results were nil. Finally, JACC then the search for the plane was officially stopped in 2017.

"100 days after MH370 disappeared, his loss remains a painful void in the hearts of all Malaysians and those around the world. We cannot and will not stop until MH370 is found," Malaysian Transport Minister Hishammuddin Hussein was quoted as saying on the page, June 16, 2014.