New Facts, Account Owners In The Case Of Extortion And Threat Of Ria Ricis Neighboring

JAKARTA New facts in the case of extortion and threats against celebrity Ria Yunita alias Ria Ricis. The police revealed that the owner of an account namedction is Ria Ricis's neighbor As is known, the police have named AP (29) as a suspect in this case. And after being traced, AP gave Ria Ricis an account number to transfer Rp300 million.

"According to the testimony of witnesses,men have known the suspect AP since 2009 in Cipayung, East Jakarta because they are neighbors," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak, Antara, Saturday, June 15. Ade explained, according toEL's confession, the suspect had asked for his account number two months ago when he wanted to pay for food at a shop, East Jakarta area.

Meanwhile, according to the testimony of witnessmenmen, he did not know that the account requested by the suspect was actually listed as threatening and extorting Ria Ricis. "You did not know that his bank account was used and included in WhatsApp's message containing threats made by the suspect AP," said Ade Safri.

However, continued Ade, witnessCE explained that no one had done or transferred it to his account until now. The former Surakarta Police Chief also said that the examination of the technical witness had been carried out on Friday, June 14.

The police said that the suspect AP (29), who had blackmailed and threatened, had asked Ria Ricis to transfer him to one of the account numbers which turned out to belong to another person who was borrowed.

"By asking for a sum of money and transferring the Rp300 million money to an account in the name of death," said Ade previously. At that time, Ade was suspected of being a suspect's friend and borrowed his account number by the suspect. The suspect is threatened with criminal acts of threats through electronic media and or accessing other people's electronic systems without permission (by means of fighting against rights), as referred to in Article 27B paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 45 and/or Article 30 paragraph (2) in conjunction with Article 46 and/or Article 32 paragraph (1) in conjunction with Article 48 of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning Information and Electronic Transactions. The threat is a maximum imprisonment of eight years and a maximum fine of IDR 2 billion.