Victims Died Of The Elpiji Denpasar Warehouse Fire Increased Again To 9 People

DENPASAR - The death toll from the LPG warehouse fire on Jalan Cargo Taman I, Denpasar, increased to a total of nine people.

The last two victims died at Prof. Ngoerah Hospital, Denpasar, on Thursday (13/6) night and Friday (14/6) early morning. The two victims named Danu Sembara (36) from Banyuwangi, East Java, died on Thursday (13/6) at 23.05 WITA and suffered 79 percent burns.

Then, the second patient named Eko Budi Santoso (37) from Jepara, Central Java, and died on Friday (14/6) at 05.40 WITA with 80 percent burns.

Meanwhile, there are nine patients who are still being treated at Prof. Ngoerah Hospital.

"There are currently nine patients being treated. Of the nine patients who are being treated are all in critical condition with a breathing apparatus and are still undergoing an acute phase, namely liquid resuscitation and also improving the patient's general state," said Director of Medical and Nursing at the Prof. Ngoerah Hospital, Dr. Affan Priyambodo, Friday, June 14.

He explained that all patients treated in the burn unit with a follow-up plan is to continue to improve general conditions and wound care.

"The majority of patients who died occurred due to the acute phase or phase handling shock and general conditions. In general, the patient was not caused by respiratory trauma. All of the patients being treated in critical condition were still waiting for improvement and also the support we carried out in the fire room," he said.