What Is Eye Biometrics?

YOGYAKARTA What is eye biometry? Biometrics represent a measurement of the anatomic dimension of the eye to determine the strength of the intraocular lens (implification lens) to be installed after cataract surgery.

Quoted from AI-Care, the cataract itself is a change in the lens of the eye ball in the form of riots that cause visionability.

To overcome these visual impairments, people with cataracts need to undergo surgery to remove a cloudy lens and replace it with a mock lens. Intraocular lenses are made of plastic or silicon that can be used for life.

Well, biometry checks allow people with cataracts to get ideal mock lenses.

If the biometric examination is not carried out, then the patient may experience a significant refractional disorder,

Further explanation of what eye-to-eye biometrics is can be seen in the following reviews.

The biometry examination is a measurement of the anatomic dimension of the eye to see the curvature of the cornea, the length of the eye sphere axis, and the pressure of the eye sphere, quoted from the Clinic's Netra page.

In the biometry examination, eye-crine measurements are performed with the topography of the Gonea or optical coherence tomography (OCT) technology to obtain data on the curvature, thickness, and shape of this. This information is essential in the diagnosis and planning of the refractive operation.

Furthermore, measurements of the length of the eye sphere are carried out with advanced technology, such as ultrasonogration (USG) A-scan or optical interferometery technology, to accurately measure the length of the eye sphere.

The results of these measurements are very important, because they can calculate the strength of the intraoclar lens needed in cataract operations or refractive procedures.

While eyeball pressure measurements are performed using a tonometer. These measurements are critical in diagnosis and glaucoma management, eye condition characterized by increased pressure in the eye sphere.

With a biometric examination, ophthalmologists can collect the necessary data to perform an in-depth analysis of the patient's eye condition. This information helps them in making the right decisions regarding diagnosis, treatment planning, and actions needed to maintain the patient's eye health.

The results of the biometry measurement can be used to determine the lens strength of the implant that will be installed on the sufferer of the cataract after undergoing a cloudy lens removal operation.

Adapting the Mitra Keluarga Hospital page, when carrying out biometric procedures, doctors will shed an anesthetic liquid so that patients don't feel anything when the eye is touched.

Next, the doctor will use a special probe that resembles a pen for direct contact with the Gonea. This is done so that the condition of the eye can be seen on the computer screen.

The doctor will then analyze the results of the examination before determining the right implant lens for the patient.

Stages Of Eye Biometric Examination

There is no special preparation for patients who will undergo a biometric examination. However, patients are advised to stop using contact lenses 24 to 48 hours before the test. This is because the biometric examination is carried out without a contact lens.

The biometric examination procedure is quite short, it only lasts about five minutes. Here are the stages of eye examination that must be passed by the patient:

That's information about biometerical examination in the eyes. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.