The Implementation Of The LHK Candy To Calculate State Losses In Tin Cases Is Considered Wrong Room

JAKARTA - Attorney for CV VIP, Andy Inovi Nababan, assessed that the implementation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation Number 7/2014 to calculate real state losses from tin corruption cases was a big mistake.

The reason is, the calculation results of Rp271 trillion are ecological losses from environmental damage. Meanwhile, the articles used to ensnare the suspects used Article 2 of the Corruption Crime Law (Tipikor).

"Even though the figures have recently been repeatedly emphasized as a loss to the economist, what is used is the regulation of the Minister of Environment, but for criminal acts, this corruption is in the wrong room, sir," Andy said in a written statement, Friday, June 14.

By increasing the number of state losses that were wrongly taken from the application of the article, said Andy, this made the public opinion assume that the suspects were like criminals for committing criminal acts.

"The figure that has been echoed, let's say in the last 3 months the figure is IDR 271 trillion, so that many people think that if the 271 money can be used for what, everyone assumes and then visualizes certain celebrities," he said.

"My simple language is like this, you use the rules in FIFA for boxing matches, when you are beaten by a boxer, you are even given a red card, that's what happened," Andy continued.

Therefore, Andy said that the implementation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Regulation No. 7/2014 in the prosecution of tin corruption cases would set a bad precedent for the Indonesian legal world.

"In the future, in the name of environmental damage, if the calculation is used, it can be said that corruption and then considered as state losses that are not limited to SOEs. Anyone company can be punished in the future," he said.