Made For Drinks At Fantastic Price, 2.24 Kg Magic Mushroom At Gili Trawangan Bar Confiscated By Police

MATARAM - The North Lombok Resort Police, West Nusa Tenggara, confiscated 2.24 kilograms of magic mushrooms from one of the bars that opened a business in the Gili Trawangan tourist area."Yes, the number of magic mushrooms that we confiscated from being active in Gili Trawangan yesterday was 2.24 kilograms, it was still dirty," said Head of North Lombok Police Narcotics Unit Iptu I Putu Sastrawan in a written statement received in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, June 13.The magic mushrooms were found in plastic packaging. The bar packaged the magic mushrooms for the raw materials for drinks sold to visitors."From the location, we found magic mushrooms in 13 plastic packages. Each packaging has several packages of mushrooms, a total of almost a hundred more, each wrapped in banana leaves in the form of a cone. That is the raw material for making drinks," he said.Sales of drinks made from magic mushrooms are emblazoned in the menu menu bar. The price offered is quite fantastic with various variants."The selling price for one glass starts from Rp. 200 thousand to Rp. 800 thousand. The price depends on the level of the magic mushrooms mixture, the more, the selling price is more expensive," he said.For the confiscation, Sastrawan said that the handling of this case had entered the investigation stage by naming the owner with the initials FA 32), and two bar employees with the initials SW (33) and SP (31) as suspects.The police have named the three residents of Tanjung, North Lombok Regency as suspects who are suspected of violating Article 111 and/or Article 114 in conjunction with Article 132 paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics.
Dalam proses penyidikan terungkap pemilik bar tersebut telah menjalankan usaha minuman fungi magic selama 3 bulan terakhir. Perihal asal fungi magic milik FA, Sastrawan memastikan hal tersebut masuk dalam pengembangan lapangan.