South Tangerang Firefighters Are Often Rejected By Hotel All Nite & Day Serpong, When They Want To Check Security Systems

TANGERANG - The South Tangerang Fire and Rescue Service (Tangsel) claimed to have sent a letter of examination of protection equipment at the All Nite & Day Hotel, North Serpong, South Tangerang. However, the inn always gave an excuse if the hotel was under renovation.

The head of the South Tangerang Fire Department, Dohiri, said that the reason for providing a letter to check the protection equipment at the All Nite & Day Alam Sutera Hotel was because he received information that the inn did not have alarms and hydrants.

"We have sent a letter to the hotel in 2022. Please let us check the protection system. But the reason for the hotel is in repair. Renovation. So we can't," said Dohiri when confirmed, Tuesday, June 11.

Not only that, Dohiri also admitted that he had sent back a letter of checking fire protection equipment in 2023. However, the party concerned again refused for the same reason.

Then in 2023 send another letter in January we want to check the protection system according to standards or not but rejected again. With the reason that it is still being renovated. And finally in June 2023 it is still not welcome," he said.

Based on the rejection from the Hotel in the Alam Sutera area, said Dohiri, the recommendation letter could not be sent again.

He assessed that what Hotel All Nite & Day Serpong did had violated regional regulations (Perda) number 4 of 2015 concerning the Fire Prevention Management System, the obligation of building owners or managers to have a protection system. Because, for him, the importance of checking is done.

"Because the protection system is functioning, don't just exist. But it doesn't work. That's the importance of testing. Checking to make sure the tool is functioning or not. To ensure their safety," he concluded.

Previously there were three employees of the All Nite & Day Hotel, North Serpong, South Tangerang who were declared dead after the fire broke out at the inn. The incident occurred on Saturday, June 8, in the afternoon.

Three people died from smoke radiation while trapped in the elevator of the All Nite & Day Serpong Hotel, on Saturday afternoon, June 8.

"The victims are hotel workers/employees including security, technicians and office boys," said Danton Bravo Damkar, South Tangerang City, Nurudin when confirmed, Saturday, June 9, at night.