Youth Found Dead Stuck In The Fence Of The Water Channel In Front Of The Kramat Jati Army Headquarters

JAKARTA - A man with the initials MR, a motorcyclist with the number B 3328 SRJ was found dead in a ditch in front of the TNI AD Transportation Briefing Headquarters, Jalan Raya Bogor, Kramat Jati District, East Jakarta, Tuesday, June 11, morning.

When found, the victim's condition was very pathetic. The victim's neck was found stuck in the iron fence trellis on the water channel on the side of Jalan Raya Bogor.

According to information gathered, the victim allegedly fell while urinating in front of the water channel right in front of the Army Transportation Briefing Headquarters.

Meanwhile, media crews and residents are prohibited from approaching the scene by members of the TNI Provost. No authorities have yet been confirmed regarding this incident.

Meanwhile, the victim's body was evacuated to the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta, for an autopsy. The incident had caused a total traffic jam in the Bogor Highway area, causing a long traffic jam.