How To Know Lemon Is Already Observational: Here's The Full Explanation

Lemon is included in the citrus fruit group which is loved by many people in this world. It tastes sour, it is bright yellow, and it is in the shape of lonjong which is about 5 to 7 cm in diameter with a bulge at the end. Well, do you know how to know if lemon is ripe? Let's discuss it!

The reason is, lemon fruit contains various nutrients for the health of the body and the skin. The figure listed below is a nutrient contained in 1 meter or about 100 grams of raw lemon peels:

In addition, lemons also contain many other important nutritional ingredients, such as:

I. Sitrat Acid

Functioning as natural astringent, because it can reduce pores and control oil creation.

II. Magnesium

Efficients to smooth the skin, slow down aging, and protect skin cells from free radicals.

III. Kalium

Functioning to trigger the central nervous system, fight free radicals, increase blood cell formation, and control blood pressure.

IV. Plant compounds

A kind of hesperiidin, eriocitrin, and D-limonene in lemons have properties to prevent cancer, heart disease, and inflammation. Not only that also relieve stomach problems such as heart startups and refluxes.

V. Fiber

Soluble fiber content such as ektin in lemon can help reduce blood sugar content. Because it can slow down the digestion of sugar and starch.

VI. Vitamin

Examples include vitamin C and vitamin B6 increasing body immunity, protecting heart health, and changing food to energy.

I. Check Texture

Lemon with fine skin is a key sign of maturity. If you see a bulge and curvature in lemon, you should re-input the lemon because maybe the lemon is not ripe and doesn't have much fruit juice.

II. Not too hard

Tightness is important when looking for lemon cooked, but lemon shouldn't be too loud. The heavy Lemon with a thin but hard outer is generally the runnyest and scented.

After you finish, you can find out the characteristics of lemon cooked, make sure to put lemon properly too. Lemon can last for a week or more if it is put in an airtight food storage container and placed in your refrigerator drawer. And even if you can cut lemon first so that it is easy to put, lemon You will always be fresh longer if you cut it just before you plan to wear it.

III. Observe Size

If you sort out lemon piles in grocery stores, you may want to take the biggest one because you think you have a lot of fruit juice. But in reality, lemons are generally picked at a time of about 2-3 inches or 5-7.5 centimeters because it is one of the best markers if lemons are perfect cooked.

IV. Check Color

Did You have time to wait for the greenish yellow lemon before use? Technically, you don't have to! Lemon grows and matures on a tree, and is picked when it appears to be turning yellowish.

Of course, bright yellow is the best way to recognize whether lemon is ripe, but if there is a little green color, it doesn't matter either.

Lemon Olahsan Untuk Obat Batuk

Lemon can be an alternative medicine to deal with cough and runny nose. Not only that, this fruit also has various benefits for the health of the body, ranging from fighting bacteria, increasing immunity, supporting kidney function, and others. For more details read: Lemon Procession prescription for Cough Medicine.

So after knowing how to find out if lemon is ripe, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!