SYL's Son Claims Not To Ask The Ministry Of Agriculture, Judge Tatang Reports To Police

JAKARTA - Putri Syahrul Yasin Limpo (SYL), Indira Chunda Thita alias Thita is challenged to report to the police because her name was defamed by the witnesses by calling her having asked the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan) to pay for her personal needs.

The challenge began when Chief Justice Rianto Adam Pontoh alluded to almost all witnesses from the Ministry of Agriculture who stated that they had been asked to pay for Thita's needs.

"Your name is said to be like my question, the stem cell was Rp 200 million by Bambang. That's the name of your brother being defamed," Judge Rianto said during a trial at the Jakarta Corruption Court, Wednesday, June 5.

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Thita.

Judge Rianto asked whether Thita had any intention to report witness testimony in the trial that Thita considered not in accordance with the actual facts.

Thita did not respond to anything about it. He only cried after hearing the statement.

However, Judge Rianto just asked Thita not to cry. Because, everything has happened.

"Wherever such news is, do you have no intention of reporting these people? You have the right to report if you feel that your name has been defamed. This is open to the public, everyone sees, includes everything. Yes, right? Do you have the intention not to report these people? So that everything is clear, right," said Judge Rianto.

"You don't need to cry, there's nothing like this. This has happened, everything is open. And that's the fact like that," added the judge when he saw Thita crying.

Judge Rianto then conveyed that Thita was presented as a witness because her name was always mentioned by other witnesses who often asked the Ministry of Agriculture to pay for her personal needs.

"So that the public prosecutor presented you because all of your names were mentioned by the witnesses, almost all the witnesses said that. And it was recorded like this, what was shown was the tables of the public prosecutor because that was a note from the people you had been asked to pay for your needs," said the judge.