Robert Pattinson And The Role In The Batman Film In Today's Memory, 31 May 2019

JAKARTA Memories of today, five years ago, May 31, 2019, the Warner Bros. production house announced that Robert Pattinson will play a new Batman figure. Robert's presence is believed to be able to make the film the superhero of bat humans roaming the city of Gotham even more interesting.

Previously, Batman was afranchise film that his fans had been waiting for. Anyone who gets a estatet stick playing a hero with a black mask will be talked about everywhere.

The world needs to thank artists Bob Kane and Bill Fingger. Both are the brains that give rise to the figure of the batman superhero, Batman. they describe the true identity of a Batman man who is a man named Bruce Wayne.

The names were taken from two historical figures Robert the Bruce (King of Scotland) and Anthony Wayne (US statesman). The depiction of Bruce's own figure is special. Bruce is described as an orphan who inherited all his parents' wealth and became rich.

At first he wanted revenge on criminals because of the death of his parents. However, Bruce continued with his own vigilant actions to defend the truth. Bruce then hid his identity through a bat human figure. He was also assisted by his loyal assistant, Alfred Pennyworth, guarding the security of Gotham City.

At least that's the picture that Bob Kane and Bill Finger have presented regarding Batman in the comics since 1939. The popularity of the Batman figure also climbed when the batman began to appear on the big screen. Fans are piled up.

They always enjoy the presentation of the story that Batman presents. Even though the main character is changing. Batman has been played by Michael airman, Val Kilmer, to George Clooney. Batman became even more prominent when the famous director Christopher Nolan took over the making of bat human films.

Nolan mengabalt Christian Bale sebagai sosok Batman. Kerja sama Nolan dan Bale berjalan panjang. Mereka menghasilkan tiga film: kabal Begins (2005), The Dark Knight (2008), The Dark Knight Rises (2012). Ketiganya pun sukses besar dan semakin mem popularikan karakter manusia bat.

Fortunate is never one. So he didn't stop. What Christopher Nolan has presented sinceTEN Begins (2005) to The Dark Knight Rises (2012) is far different from the origin, the story characters with pictures of Bob Kane and Bil Finger from 1939. Even every film in Nolan's trilogy doesn't actually feature the same figure, even though Christian Bale plays the main role in all three.

Every time we can identify it from that bat mask too. But every time he is born again as a new answer to a new challenge. Because there is always a relationship with things that are not repeated, unexpectedly, with the threat of the great criminal The Joker or Bane, in the different Gotham City crisis, "said Goenawan Mohamad in his writing in Tempo magazine entitled Tempo (2012).

The Batman story on the small screen has been on hiatus for a long time. People have difficulty imagining how to build the Batman story without Nolan. This is evidenced by the presence of Zack Snyder's Dawn of Justice (2016). The film hasn't been able to get through Nolan's work.

The figure of Batman, played by Ben Affleck, has attracted a lot of criticism. However, the Warner Bros. production house was not traumatized. They still want to show the new Batman story on the small screen. They also beat Robert Pattinson as the new Batman on May 31, 2019.

Robert Pattinson is considered the right person to play in the director's film Batman, Matt Reeves. The election was carried out because of Robert's role in the film franchise Harry Potter and Thilapisuk baik. Even Robert was also chosen by Maraka he was able to play a slick role in films such as High Life (2018) and Lighthouse (2019).

Studio Warner Bros. confirmed on Friday that Robert had beaten other names on the list including Nicholas Hoult for the role, following his performances at Harry Potter and Twilight film franchises. Robert spent several years away from the mainstream, and instead worked with directors such as David Cronenberg, David Mich Yahmad, Safdie brothers, and James Gray.

His recent collaboration with French director Claire Denis, erotic science fictionHigh Life, has received a lot of praise. He also starred in one of the films with the best reviews of this year's Cannes festival: The Lighthouse by Robert Eggers, an intense psychodrame set in 19th century Maine, "said Catherine Shoard in his article on The Guardian's website entitled Robert Pattinson is the New Batman (2019).