Only 2 Weeks Of Investigation By The West Java Police 'Disappeared' 2 DPO Vina Cirebon, Hotman Paris Inflamed
JAKARTA - The attorney for Vina's murder and rape case, a teenager from Cirebon Barat (West Java), Hotman Paris, was inflamed by a statement from the West Java Regional Police which stated that two people were on the fictitious wanted list (DPO).How could within two weeks of working to uncover Vina's case, the West Java Regional Police immediately concluded so. In fact, Hotaman emphasized, in the indictment, indictment and BAP it was stated that there were three DPOs."In the indictment there are three DPOs, in the indictment there are three DPOs, in the BAP there are three DPOs. Information from the 8 defendants also said there were three DPOs! Now in just two weeks it has been changed by saying it is fictitious," said Hotrman during a press conference in Jakarta, Wednesday, May 29.Hotman added, in the judge's decision against the eight defendants in this case also clearly stated that there were three DPOs in Vina's case. And this decision already has permanent legal force."The verdict is final, it has been appealed. What does it mean, by investigators, it is said that all of them are not true, so which one applies? Is the court's decision that has permanent legal force or only an investigation in approximately two weeks by investigators. This is all the decision, in the final part of the decision, it is clearly stated that there are three DPOs,""It's too soon for investigators to say that. If it is said that we have not been caught, we can still understand, if it is stated that the fictitious is too fast. So in principle, the families of the victims and their attorneys reject the statement from the West Java Police investigators which states that the two DPOs are fictitious," said Hotman.The West Java (Jabar) Regional Police has corrected the People's Wanted List (DPO) in the murder and rape case of Vina Cirebon with her lover, Eki. From the previous three, it has now become one person. This was conveyed by the West Java Regional Police's Dirkrimum Kombes Surawan when the case was released today."I emphasize here that all suspects are not 11 but nine. So that the DPO is only 1,” Surawan told reporters at the West Java Police, Sunday, May 26.There are two other names besides Pegi alias Perong who were recently arrested by the police because the perpetrators have different names."After we conducted an in-depth investigation, it turned out that the 2 names mentioned during this time were just nonsense. So there are no other suspects," he said.Vina is a teenager from Cirebon who was murdered and raped in August 2016. He was killed with his lover, Muhammad Rizky (16). After the investigation, the police finally named 11 people as suspects.
However, of this number, only eight were successfully brought to the court. A total of seven perpetrators were sentenced to life while one perpetrator was sentenced to eight years in prison because he was a minor at the time of the incident.The police said the remaining three were still fugitives. Apart from Pegi alias Perong, the remaining two names are Dani and Andi. Investigators even detailed the characteristics of two other fugitives. Andi, for example, is currently estimated to be 31 years old. He has a height of 165 centimeters, is small, and has straight hair with black skin.