15-Year-Old Girl Tempted For Sex, Her Father Was Angry Once At The Death Of A Russian Pedophile In Thailand

JAKARTA - Which parents do not get angry knowing that their own minors are being teased for sex by an unknown adult?

Feeling this, a father from Wales, England knocked his little girl until she fell unconscious.

Mirror via Pattaya Mail reported that the adult man who felt the raw boy of the 15-year-old girl's father was Russian. This incident occurred at a tourist location in Pattaya, Thailand.

The 36-year-old Russian tourist joprak was only taken to the hospital once. However, the fatal blow resulted in the victim's death.

The police in Pattaya then conducted an investigation and arrested the 34-year-old perpetrator who was beaten six miles from the crime scene at a guesthouse in Na Jomtien.

In the arrest document, the 34-year-old British man was accused of "corresponding to severe injuries resulting in death."

The British man said he did not expect his blow to cause death. He also admitted that he was sorry for what he did on May 27.

The wife of the perpetrator of the beating is a British citizen from Thailand. She was working and then received a message from her husband who was about to return home at 03.00 in the morning.