Ayunsri Harahap, SYL's Wife, Answers Allegations Of Buying Skincare For Facial Treatment And Duren Musang King Using Ministry Of Agriculture Money

JAKARTA - Syahrul Yasin Limpo's wife or SYL, Ayunsri Harahap, denied the statement that she often carried out facial treatments using funds from the Ministry of Agriculture (Kementan).Ayunsari conveyed this objection in response to questions from SYL's legal adviser, Djamaludin Koedoeboen regarding the purchase of skincare."Have you ever bought skincare or not?" said Koedoeboen during a trial at the Corruption Court at the Central Jakarta District Court, Wednesday, May 29."No. If you take care of it once a year," said Ayun.Then, Koedoeboen turned to question the Musang King duren, which based on witness testimony was often sent to SYL's official residence. Ayun admitted that she really likes to eat duren but not much. Because, her grandchildren really don't like the aroma of the fruit.In fact, if you want to eat durian, Ayun must go outside the house so that her grandson doesn't smell the fruit."Do you like to eat duren or not?" asked Koedoeboen."One or two seeds like it. But inside the house there should be no smell of durian, children ask. So if you want me to go out," said Ayun.
"So you never eat at home?" asked Koedoeboen sure."Yes, it must be outdoors, there should be no smell of durian," said Ayun.