FAA Allows US First Drone Fireworks Show

JAKARTA Since its deployment in Austria in 2012, drone performances have become commonplace and can be found in several countries. Recently, however, Sky Elements created a remarkable drone show. Sky Elements managed to become the first drone show company to fly drone fireworks in the US. As the name implies, this show will fly drones, then fire fireworks while on the sky. The drone fireworks or drone pyro are not much different from the drone's performances in general. This drone will create a specific shape, then fire fire to make stunning effects such as waterfalls, falling stars, and others. Sky Elements, on the company's official website, said that the company's first drone pyro show in the US was part of testing. The company flew 300 to and demonstrated their innovation to the watching community. As usual, drones required flight permits before performing a show. The wait for this permit takes a very long time because the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) needs to review several things, including its safety. "After a 26-month wait, the FAA gave us permission to fly fireworks with drones. This new forms of air entertainment will definitely draw attention when we introduce a pyro drone show in this country," said Sky Elements.

Before making the drone pyro concept, Sky Elements envisioned a drone show starting to replace fireworks performances. Compared to getting rid of one of the shows, the company took the initiative to combine the two. "Combining fireworks with drone shows will definitely attract the attention of many people. As the spearhead of this new technology, Sky Elements hopes to bring Independence Day in the future," explained Sky Elements. So far, Sky Elements is the only company to get a drone performance permit with fireworks. Given that many aspects need to be considered to maintain safety, the FAA does not give permission to just anyone. company.