This Morning, The East Jakarta Sub-dept. Of Transportation Again Ordered Wild Jukir In A Number Of Minimarkets

The East Jakarta Transportation Sub-Department (Sudinhub) has again intensified illegal parking raids in a number of minimarkets in the East Jakarta area on Tuesday, May 21.

This time, the control started at 08.00 WIB. Sweeping began at a number of minimarkets located at Jalan Kayu Tingu Ujung Menteng, Jalan Pangolan Raya, Jalan Malaka Sari and Jalan Malaka Jaya.

Controlling illegal parking attendants (jukir) is carried out persuasively. Officers provide a statement letter to illegal jukir so as not to commit extortion again against motorbikes of minimarket visitors.

"There are 4 locations on Jalan Kayu Tinggi, namely alphamart, besides the top pawn, alphami in addition to schools, alphamart and cheerfulmart," said Head of East Jakarta Transportation Agency, Renny, Tuesday, May 21.

Furthermore, the control on Jalan Penggilingan Raya is located next to the workshop, indomaret, alphamart side by pik and alphamart jpo.

"On Jalan Malaka Sari, there are 4 minimarkets that will be brought under control," he said.

The minimarket is located at the alphamart in front of Soto mia, Indomaret next to BRI, alphamart next to warkop and alpha at the crossroads near the shophouse.

"Alfamidi and Indomaret in front of Pondok Kopi Hospital on Jalan Malaka Sari were also targeted for control today," he said.