Knowing The Eosinophill Function In The Body, The Defense System Combats Virus
YOGYAKARTA - Eosinofil is a type of white blood cell found in the human body. These white blood cells have an important role in fighting infection and controlling various types of allergens in the body. Everyone can have different eosinophiles and need attention.
If the body has eosinophyllic levels that exceed the normal range, it is necessary to watch out for. This condition can indicate certain diseases in the body. Let's understand more about this type of white blood cell by getting to know the function of eosinophylls and their normal levels.
In the human body there are several types of white blood cells, namely neutrophils, eosinophiles, basofil lymphocytes, and monosicles. Each type of white blood cell has their respective roles in the mechanism of body defense to deal with infection.
Eosinophiles are one of the types of white blood cells that play an important role in the immune system. Eosinophiles can be found in peripheral blood and body tissue, especially in areas associated with allergic responses, responses to parasites and bacteria, and inflammation.
The main role of eosinophyles is to fight and eliminate allergens that are considered a threat to the body. As part of the body's defense system, eosinophyles help protect the body from fungal, viral, bacterial, and parasitic infections.
Eosinofil has an important function for human body health. Here are some of the main functions of eosinophyil that you need to know:
Eosinofilil has a big role in responding to allergic reactions experienced by the body. When the body is exposed to allergen, the eosinophill will be released as the body's cute response controller to the allergic exposure.
Another function of eosinophiles is to protect the body from parasitic attack. This type of white blood cell also plays a role in fighting parasitic infections such as worms. Eosinophiles will remove toxins and enzymes that can damage pathogens or germs that cause infection. Eosinophiles help activate other cells in the body's immunity to boost immunity against infection.
Behind its function as immune defense, increased and decreased levels of eosinophylls in the blood can indicate certain health conditions. The following is an explanation of normal, high, and low eosinophill levels that are important to understand:
Eosinophiles in the blood can vary depending on individual age, gender, and health conditions. Usually, eosinophill levels are measured as the percentage of the total number of leukocytes. Normally, eosinophill levels range from 0 to 5% of the total leukocyte.
To find out the level of the eosinophill in the blood, the doctor will perform a complete blood test that includes calculating the type of white blood cell differential count. This test is commonly used to detect possible infections of pathogens in the blood.
The high eosinophillic levels are known as eosinophiles. This condition can indicate certain medical disorders. Several factors can increase the level of eosinophiles, including:
Low eosinophyil levels are known as eosinopenia. These conditions are generally harmless and are not accompanied by specific clinical symptoms. Usually, the shortage of eosinophyles can be overcome naturally by the body with the help of other cells that balance it.
However, low eosinophyllic levels over the long term could be an indication of serious medical conditions. Several factors that can lead to low eosinophillic levels include:
Demikianlah review mengenal fungsi eosinofil dalam tubuh yang perlu Anda ketahui. Mengingat memiliki fungsi vital dalam melawan penyakit, tingkat eosinofil harus dijaga dalam jarak normal. Baca juga cara mendeteksi penyakit lupus.
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