Ministry Of Health Claims KRIS Aims To Improve Class 3 BPJS Health Services

JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) Mohammad Syahril said the implementation of the Standard Inpatient Class (KRIS) was oriented towards improving the quality of class III services for BPJS Health patients.

"So the KRIS was for all BPJS Health patients. Now how to manage existing hospitals in class I, class II, and class III," Mohammad Syahril said at a press conference related to KRIS at the Jakarta Ministry of Health Building, Wednesday, May 15, was confiscated by Antara.

He said Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 59 of 2024 concerning Health Insurance regulates the application of 12 standard criteria for hospitalization services for National Health Insurance (JKN) patients, including building quality, lighting, indoor bathrooms, bed barriers, room temperature, to oxygen installations.

"This provision is in line with the Decree (SK) of the Director General of Health Services of the Ministry of Health which stipulates the maximum standard for providing treatment beds with a maximum of four beds with 12 service criteria," Syahril added.

"It's okay, so class I is now two beds because there are a maximum of four, class II there are also four, safe. Well, there were five to seven beds in grade III, it is hoped that the maximum room is four beds," he said.

Syahril added that the implementation of the Presidential Regulation on Health Insurance directed the hospitalization of JKN patients on two criteria, namely KRIS and non-standard or VIP or executive.

"If after the Presidential Decree, if in its implementation there will be two hospitalizations, namely standard and non-inpatient classes. It means outside of that, VIP or executive," he said.

However, it remains based on the Decree of the Directorate General of Health Services that the quota for BPJS Health patients at government hospitals is at least 60 percent, while private hospitals are 40 percent of the total capacity.