The Style Of The Ciracas Thugs On Jalan Sempoyongan Brings Mandau While Challenges The Police

JAKARTA - A heavily armed village thug with a mandau type who was recorded to have terrorized a resident's house on Jalan H. Saibun, Ciracas, East Jakarta was arrested by members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Ciracas Police on Tuesday, May 14.

During the raid, the police also found synthetic marijuana in a plastic clip that was strongly suspected to belong to the perpetrator. The perpetrator with the initials PY (21) was also arrested allegedly after smoking the synthetic marijuana.

When the police arrested the perpetrator, the perpetrator dodged and challenged the police. However, after being given evidence of video camera footage, the perpetrator finally resigned and admitted his actions.

In addition to confiscating synthetic marijuana, the police also managed to find a sharp weapon of mandau type belonging to the perpetrator. The mandau type sajam is stored in the perpetrator's house.

Ciracas Police Chief, Kompol Agung Ardiansyah said the arrest of the perpetrator was based on public reports in the form of video recordings.

"From public reports in the form of videos, in the video there are two people using motorbikes and walking suspected of carrying sharp weapons. The perpetrator came drunk and disturbed local residents," said Kompol Agung when confirmed, Tuesday, May 14.

I don't know what the motive is, PY and his friend were caught on a CCTV camera in the middle of the road in a residential area while swinging a sharp mandau weapon.

The two village thugs were also seen walking staggeredly into the residents' yard. After receiving the report, the police immediately checked the crime scene.

"We visited the location in the Susukan area, Ciracas District. We checked the crime scene and continued the arrest of the perpetrator," he said.

Furthermore, the perpetrator PY and his colleague with the initials BM were taken to the Ciracas Police for further processing. Apart from the two perpetrators, the police also confiscated evidence of sharp weapons and synthetic marijuana.

"We arrested the perpetrator with the same characteristics and evidence. Confiscated with a sharp weapon of the mandau type," he said.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with multiple articles regarding the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 with the threat of imprisonment for 10 years.