Political Ego Becomes A Support For The Establishment Of A Presidential Club

JAKARTA Personal political ego is considered to be a stumbling block to the formation of the Presidential Club initiated by the elected president, Prabowo Subianto.

Director of Indostrategic, Ahmad Khoirul Umam revealed, in terms of Prabowo's idea, it is a new breakthrough in the realm of Indonesian politics. However, the implementation of the idea will depend on the maturity of each former president in managing egos in the pattern of relating personal political conflicts.

He gave an example, Prabowo has good relations with Megawati Soekarnoputri, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, to Joko Widodo. Unfortunately, Megawati has many lines of conflict, ranging from communication that is not yet open with SBY, and now with President Joko Widodo.

"This can hinder the effectiveness of the Presidential Club. Although, for the sake of the nation, the former presidents should be able to get rid of their respective personal egos and political interests," said Umam, Sunday, May 5, 2024.

According to the lecturer at the Political and International Sciences Studies University of Paramadina, actually the idea of forming a Presidential Club should be appreciated. Because, referring to the model of the Presidential Club institution in the United States, this kind of institution can present several strategic functions. Starting from the function of the president's informal advisors from former presidents to exchange opinions, provide advice, and discuss strategic issues related to politics-governmental issues and public policy.

The gathering of former presidents in the Presidential Club can be a guardian of the traditions and integrity of the presidential institution. Presidential clubs can be a forum for them to work together to promote high values and standards related to the presidency. Thus, in general, this institution can help maintain the continuity, stability, and integrity of presidential institutions in the political system in Indonesia, "explained Umam.

The same thing was said by Populi Center researcher, Usep Saepul Ahyar, who is pessimistic that Prabowo's idea will be realized considering the high political egoism of the previous presidents. In addition, there is a difference if the Presidential Club in the US becomes a reference. Because, in Uncle Sam's country, after stepping down the presidents no longer have political positions

"In Indonesia, the former president has important political positions in his party, from the general chairman, to the chairman of the upper house. This has the potential to create conflicts of interest in each other, and between party agendas and state agendas," he said.

So, I think it would be too forced if Prabowo Subianto wanted to make the Presidential Club with the current political conditions. It's better to stay in the prevailing state system. For example, at events that are already running, I think that's enough too. We know that when a state event, political attitudes can be seen. Many do not come, if not in line, "added Usep.