Golkar And PAN Offers, Jokowi's Reason For Rejecting Campaign For PSI In Pilkada

JAKARTA PPI executive director Adi Prayitno considered that the offer to join the Golkar Party and PAN was the reason President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) refused to campaign for PSI in the 2024 Pilkada.

According to him, in principle, if there is one family member competing in public office, it is impossible for his extended family to not support or at least participate in campaigning.

However, the PSI General Chair, Kaesang Pangarep's statement became crowded because it involved the position of a president. Therefore, Jokowi seemed to avoid it when Kaesang invited a campaign for PSI in the regional elections.

First, Jokowi certainly wants to avoid the term girls like yesterday during the presidential election. Of course Jokowi does not want the noise during the presidential election to be repeated in the regional elections," said Adi, Sunday, May 5, 2024.

Second, Jokowi wants to show the public that in the rest of his position, he cannot be claimed or identified close to one particular political party, which will be counterproductive amid Jokowi's efforts, he may be anchored in certain political parties after his position is completed.

"There are PANs and the Golkar Party through several elites who have issued statements that are ready to accept Jokowi and his family. This is what Jokowi may try to protect by not confirming Kaesang's statement," said Adi.

Previously, PSI General Chair, Kaesang Pangarep, said that his father, Jokowi, would assist PSI in the 2024 Pilkada campaign. According to him, Jokowi will go directly to campaign. One of the reasons is that Jokowi no longer serves as president during the 2024 Pilkada.

However, Jokowi dismissed this by saying that the campaign problem in the 2024 Pilkada was PSI's own business.

"Oh, that's PSI's business," said Jokowi after reviewing the corn harvest in Brang Ore Village, Sumbawa Regency, NTB, last Thursday, May 2.