Teenager In Tangerang Dies In Kitchen Knife After Challenging His Opponents On Social Media
TANGERANG The Tangerang Police have named three men as suspects in the beating case which resulted in the death of one person. The Tangerang Police Chief, Kombes Baktiar Joko Mujiono, two of the three suspects are minors. Meanwhile, the victim with the initials RZ is also a minor, aged 16.
Kombes Baktiar said the beating took place in the Sukadiri area, Tangerang Regency, April 29. It started when the suspect saw the invitation to a one-on-one brawl from the victim.
"Then the suspect served and dated 'Come on PD (confidence) against him'. Because all the perpetrators agreed, then ZS (one of the suspects) sent a message to the opposing party to make an appointment at the TKP," Joko told reporters, Friday, May 3.
"Then one of the perpetrators returned home to take a knife and then brought it during the brawl. Once ready, the perpetrator returned to the hangout and with ZS and the other perpetrators to the TKP (victim)," he continued.
Arriving at the location, one of the perpetrators got off his motorbike and immediately attacked the victim and fell, then stabbed him with a kitchen knife three times.
"ZS is an admin. One child perpetrator is riding a ride, one is holding the weapon of the main stabbing perpetrator," he said.
After the victim was helpless, the three suspects left the scene. The victim who lost a lot of blood eventually died.
"After the victim lost a lot of blood, the victim died not long after at the Mauk Health Center Emergency room," he said.
The victim's parents, who knew their child had died, made a report to the police. Finally, the 3rd perpetrator was arrested.
"The three perpetrators are subject to Article 80 Paragraph (2) and Paragraph (3) of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection and Or 170 of the Criminal Code and Or 351 of the Criminal Code. The threat is 15 years in prison," he concluded.