Spread Porn Video: DJ East Blake Surrenders To Police After His House Is Visited By Officers

North Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion explained about the arrest of Dj East Black or Ahmad Risaldi Sulat after his party received a report from ARP (former lover) regarding the spread of pornographic videos on social media.

Kombes Gidion said, when he received the report, the members immediately investigated and went to the perpetrator's house. However, continued Gidion, at that time the perpetrator was not at home.

"The perpetrator was visited at his house in Cawang, nothing. Then the perpetrator was cooperative and came to the investigators himself. And now the status is in detention," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Ade Ary, explained that Dj East Black deliberately spread pornographic content of his ex-lover because he felt disappointed that his love affair had run aground.

"Feeling annoyed because his relationship is not good (or broken). In the end, he threatened the victim," Kombes Ade Ary told reporters, Thursday, May 2.

After the perpetrator spread photos and videos on social media accounts, ARP found out and he immediately reported to the police on April 20, 2024, then.

Currently, Dj East Black has been named a suspect under the suspicion of Article 4 paragraph 1 E of the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 44 of 2008 concerning pornography.