Google Workers Complaints To US Labor Relations Council Regarding Mass Dismissal

JAKARTA - A working group in Alphabet Inc's Google has filed a complaint with the US labor relations board, claiming that the tech company had violated the law to fire about 50 employees for protesting its cloud contracts with the Israeli government.

A one-page complaint filed on Monday evening, April 29, to the US National Labor Relations Council (NLRB) stated that by firing workers, Google has interfered with their rights under US labor law to fight for better working conditions.

Google this month said it had fired 28 employees who interfered with work at an unspecified office site while protesting against Project Nimbus, a USD 1.2 billion contract shared with Google and to provide cloud services to the Israeli government. The company last week said about 20 other employees had been fired for protesting against the contract while at the office.

In a statement on Tuesday, April 30, Google said the workers' behavior was "completely unacceptable" and made other employees feel threatened and insecure.

"We are carefully confirming and reconfirming that anyone who is fired directly and must be involved in a disturbance inside our building," the company said.

Workers claim that this project supports the development of Israeli military tools. Google has said that Nimbus' contract "is not aimed at a very sensitive, classified, or military workload relevant for weapons or intelligence services."