Ofcom Investigate OnlyFans Compliance In Preventing Children's Pornography Access

JAKARTA - On Wednesday, May 1, British media regulator Ofcom announced that it had opened an investigation to find out whether the website specifically for adults, OnlyFans, had made enough efforts to prevent children from accessing pornographic content on its platform.

"Given our review of the responses we received from OnlyFans to requests for official information, we have reason to suspect that the platform is not implementing age verification measures in a way that adequately protects individual children under the age of 18 from pornographic material," the supervisor said.

Ofcom also stated that they were investigating whether OnlyFans failed to comply with its obligation to provide complete and accurate information in response to legal requests.

"OnlyFans is working closely with Ofcom to implement and develop the best practices in online security, including the use of age verification technology," said a OnlyFans spokesperson.

He said the UK-based company used Yoti's age verification provider but the code configuration problem caused a reporting error, which stated that the threshold was set at the age of 23, during a period where it should have been regulated at the age of 20.

"OnlyFans found the reporting error and proactively changed our report to Ofcom," the spokesman added.

This issue is related to UK-based "Fans" only.

The media regulator gained new powers as the United Kingdom's Online Safety Act came into force last year, requiring social media companies to stop children from accessing pornographic and harmful content.

In the law, Ofcom can fine companies that do not comply with up to 18 million pounds or 10% of their global income, which is even greater.

While the new law is being implemented in stages, Ofcom continues to regulate video-sharing platforms formed in the UK under pre-existing regimes, which include requiring platforms to take steps to prevent children under the age of 18 from accessing pornographic material.